
Depths Chat

Mimi: Wait, how did you know that?
Lecturer: Well, my sister's boss's cousin of the left flower pot's second lover's third daughter works with you.
Mimi: Who what now?
Lecturer: You haven't met KLO-Lotus?
Mimi: ???
Lecturer: I believe she is in S&R Team 5...
Mimi: You mean to tell me, that a Depths Naiad is in my Department. You mean to tell me, that I didn't have to write any reports and could have just told her and you would know everything?
Lecturer: I don't know whether I regret telling you immediately or to have hope that I will actually hear from you more often.
Mimi: You mean to tell me I could meet someone in Team 5? I AM SO BRAGGING!
Lecturer: ... Maybe, I'll just ask her first ...
KLO-lotus: It's fine ... just don't use my name or Naiad connection.
Lecturer: When did...? She wasn't visiting this week, was she?
Mimi: You can use my notes! This is so awesome, ahahahahahaha

Text Chat

S&R Team 2 Group Chat
Mimi: Guess what!? I know someone from Team 5. Hah!
KLO-sky: how did you meet them in the Great Forest?
KLO-MeiMei: ... why didn't you tell me?
KLO-tanka: Did MeiMei not go to Mimi's house?
KLO-MeiMei: *pouts emoji*
KLO-sky: *laughter emoji* x100
KLO-sky: I'll smack your face when we get back.
KLO-toon: No violence, please.
KLO-senile: How do we know you really did meet someone from Team 5?
Mimi: They wrote on my stickies even while I was having an argument with (deleted)
KLO-sky: Who saw what she sent?
KLO-MeiMei: missed it
KLO-tanka: I did not see. Are you keeping secrets from us?
Mimi: Aren't you all keeping secrets from me? Since wen did KLO-senior have a phone?
KLO-toon: Mimi, click the person in the corner and that will tell you everyone in this chat. All personal in Team 2 have a phone and are in this chat.
Mimi: Wait, there was 12 people, now there's only 11?
KLO-toon: *sighs emoji* I think I know who it is
Mimi: Who?
KLO-toon: Your new friend in Team 5.
Mimi: We are friends already? Yes!
KLO-toon: They like to stalk people, so be careful.
Mimi: Ah, it's okay, someone from home already knows them.
KLO-toon: I thought there was extra interest in Mimi last board discussion.
Mimi: ???
KLO-senior: Is it the one who brought KLO-thumper to their retirement?
KLO-thumper4life: They just moved to Administration, they never retired!
KLO-senior: They sit on their butt all day now.
KLO-thumper4life: So do you!
KLO-senior: I'll eat your lunch.
KLO-senior: I run the archives.
KLO-thumper4life: And they run the whole building!
KLO-thumper4life: Hah! Pickles are the best!
KLO-senior: Take this!
KLO-thumper4life: You'll never run fast enough!
KLO-glasses: If you keep your fights to either the chat or the lunch room, that would be great.
KLO-toon: I'm coming down.
KLO-sky: Ooh, they got it coming for 'em!
KLO-107@&: Yes, I am Mimi's friend.
Mimi: Yeah! See, I do know someone from Team 5.
KLO-107&: MeiMei is crying. You should play with her.
KLO-MeiMei: What! Delete that.
(Image deleted)
Mimi: Wait, she left the chat again. Can anyone do that?
KLO-fishfood: No. Just a couple people from Team 5. No one knows how they do it though.
Mimi: Wait, doesn't that mean other people have seen Team 5 members?
KLO-fishfood: No. Just heard them. Even their names are not input properly, right?
Mimi: Eh ~ it kinda makes sense if you know their name though?
KLO-sky: Wait, you know their name?
Mimi: I am under friendship rules to not say it.
KLO-sky: No fair! We were friends first!
KLO-senior: Your fault.
KLO-thumper4life: I'll slash your new chair.
(KLO-toon has blocked KLO-senior and KLO-thumper4life from writing messages for 59:59 minutes:seconds)
Mimi: MeiMei, I'm bringing my aunt's cookies to you. My new friend keeps writing to go to you.
KLO-MeiMei: Have you even seen their face?
Mimi: No, but they gave me a strand of their hair. She said I can show you as long as we don't tell anyone else their hair colour.
KLO-MeiMei: ... fine.
KLO-MeiMei: The cookies better be nice.
KLO-MeiMei: And hurry up ...
KLO-sky: Wait! What did I just miss? Why can't you tell meeeeeee


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