The Pearl Isle Geographic Location in Turfall | World Anvil
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The Pearl Isle

The Pearl Isle is the homeland of all living peoples. The island is actually 3 seperate islands in close proximity linked by the Radial Roads. The White District is to the north, the Black District to the South, and the Pink District in the center.
The Pearl Isle
The clockwork homeland of all that breathes and ticks

The White District

The White District is a thriving housing area with local shops. Every house and shop has its own garden to promote sustainability. The housing area is broken up into several districts with all professions located located in all districts. The Eastern district has more white collar households, with wizards being common around. The Northern District has most of the craftsman and fisherman, as the geography of the district has easy access to the sea and other oceanside resources. This area actually floats on top of the water so that they can constantly be on the ocean, no matter what the tide may be. The western district houses mostly farmers, as it has the easiest access to the Green Fields.

The Black District

The Black District is equally agricultural land and Clockwork experimental testing grounds. The wizards from the Eastern District travel the CW road, while the Western District must travel the CCW road. The Western side of the Black District is called the Green Fields, and it is filled with crops, animals, and trees. The Eastern side of the Black District is a stunning display of clockwork that is, for the most part, unfunctional. This area of land is called the Clockwork Fields. It is the duty of wizards and all intelligent people to uncover the hidden knowledge behind the Clockwork Fields.

The Pink District

The Pink District is the mountain of clockwork that has housed the royal family for generations. The royal family, the Royal Guard, and the High Court are all housed in this district.

The Radial Roads

The Radial Roads are the massive series of 3 cogs that surround the Pearl Isle. The Radial Roads all connect to each other, one along the X-axis, one along the Y-axis, and one along the Z-axis.
The horizonal road is a cog that is upheld by the other two. The horizontal road is known as the Wise Road. The two rotating rings inside the cog never touch, and are seperated by a strip in the middle that doesn't move.
The East to West road (the Center Road) is directly linked with the Wise road. At every interval that the platforms meet, the cog stops. This allows travellers to traverse across rings and Roads. This stopping also allows the platform to be switched from side to side, as there is no underside to the Radial Road.
The North to South road (the Outer Road) divides the Clockwork field from the Green fields, and provides an area in the ocean for the Northern District to form a dock out to. This area is a hotspot for fisherman. Since the Outer Road doesn't directly connect with the Wise Road, a bridge extends from the Wise Road to the Outer Road.


The Pearl Isle is mostly clockwork adaptation of an island. The only real organic land on the Pearl Isle is the Green Fields. the island is surrounded by the three Radial Roads. The island remains constantly cool despite being made of metal and being in direct sunlight.


Despite the small garden boxes in windowsills, residents of the Pearl Isle don't see much nature unless the Green Fields are on their commute to work or they work in the Green Fields. No animals roam the city, save those that have been tame and deemed pets.

Ecosystem Cycles

As the Pearl Isle is an island, the climate stays relatively similar year round. The biggest thing that changes is what color the trees are. From the autumn months to the spring months, the leaves are all shades of warm colors, while in summer they turn lush emerald green.

Localized Phenomena

The Radial Roads are covered in lightning rods to avert lightning storms that rarely strike the Pearl Isle. During these storms the people of the Northern District tha are not seafarers by trade may relocate as the wild tides make living on the water nauseating.


The island goes from 80 on the hottest days to around 45 on the coldest nights.

Fauna & Flora

All flora and fauna are completely overseen and grown with direction. There is no wild grass or trees save for some wild grass in the Green Fields.

Natural Resources

All natural resources come from the Green Field, though it's bounty is almost not enough for the population of the Pearl Isle.
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