Anna's Antiquities Building / Landmark in Trymis | World Anvil

Anna's Antiquities

Purpose / Function

Being a cozy little bookstore, Anna's Antiquities buys and sells books and tomes of all sorts. The building itself was originally built as a fletcher's workshop, but after the Gemicivan takeover it was sold and repurposed.


All traces of the fletcher's workshop that once inhabited the building are gone. After all, it was but a matter of furnishings. Some of the old shelves are still being used to store books instead of bundles of arrows. Anna's Antiquities itself began its life pawn shop, buying and selling, well, antiquities traded off by traveling merchants. Anna started out with a decent collection of old Marlak artifacts from the surrounding area. However instead of purchasing diverse interesting articles as she originally intended, she discovered a deep-rooted fascination with books, and over the course of time, the store morphed into primarily a bookstore.
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