Troyvalden Acarian Social Services Timeline
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Acarian Social Services

The adventures of the Dessa, Haldeyr, Jarek and Kyrie - better known as the Acarian Social Services.

  • 276 FE

    28 /2
    276 FE

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    Disappearances in Chang-Zi
    Era beginning/end

    People have been disappearing from the remote frontier village of Chang-Zi. Monsters from the mountains? Rogue miltiary factions? Or just plain domestic problems?

  • 276 FE

    28 /2 19:00

    Diplomatic action

    Meet & greet at camp by the Chang-Zi road sign

  • 276 FE

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    276 FE

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    The rescue of Hau

    Travelled into the foothills of the Greinar Chain in search of Hau and Khan. A goblin was inverted, Kyrie was singed, and a hobgoblin was dread ambushed. Hau was rescued but it was too late for Khan.

  • 276 FE

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    276 FE

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    Cabin in the Woods

    North of Chang-Zi lies an abandoned woodland cabin. A perfect refuge for starcrossed lovers, if not for a grumpy druid, poisoned rabbits, a tiger and an owlbear.

  • 276 FE

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    276 FE

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    Paponson Manor

    Animated trees and creepy gardeners guard a long abandoned manor house. Strange wailing noises at night are not quite the horror they seem.

  • 276 FE

    8 /3

    Sacking of Furkan's Camp
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sergeant Furkan of the Acarian Military has been extorting money from the villagers of Chang-Zi. He must either leave, or die.

  • 276 FE

    9 /3

    Tensions in Livadin
    Era beginning/end

    Following letters found at Furkan's camp, the ASS head to Livadin in search of Ataan, and information as to why the Narlanders appear under threat.

  • 276 FE

    11 /3 15:00

    Explosion at the market
    Disaster / Destruction

    An explosion goes off in the market square of Livadin. Stalls are wrecked and a number of civilians are injured, thankfully none fatally. The source of the explosion is unclear, but head of the town guard's investigative team Ulker has a list of possible suspects.

  • 276 FE

    11 /3 20:00

    Under the Second Turnip
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Second Turnip is a busy family public house in the run down south west of Livadin, but it holds a secret. Under a trapdoor in the corner lies the lair of the Shrikes, an underground organisation of dubious morality.

  • 276 FE

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    276 FE

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    A wrecked caravan

    To befriend the Shrikes, a raid on a military caravan was ordered to acquire a bejeweled dagger intended for Captain Arkadas. After laying an ambush which was never triggered, a trail of destruction was followed into the mountains to a camp of gnolls.

  • 276 FE

    14 /3
    276 FE

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    Smuggling Andron Salt

    Norathee, head of the branch of the alchemists guild in Livadin, needs goods importing from across the border without attracting heavy import duties. Feyfolk and giant crocodiles add a certain danger to the journey.

  • 276 FE

    17 /3

    Hunting Aurochs

    To the west of Livadin lie hunting grounds for Aurochs, giant wild cows. Invited on a hunt by Lord Vural, the hunt is proceeding as planned until a Wyvern swoops overhead.

  • 276 FE

    17 /3 19:00

    Dinner at Vural's
    Cultural event

    Celebrating a successful hunt, the local nobility are invited to a fine dinner at Vural's mansion. Alliances are forged, matches are made, and an unwelcome guest drops in.

  • 276 FE

    18 /3

    Ataan, Baron of Livadin
    Diplomatic action

    Baron Ataan opens up the gates of the castle, and Vural up a meeting for the party to discuss the fey threat and explain the explosion.

  • 276 FE

    20 /3
    276 FE

    21 /3

    Exploring the border

    Returning north in search of more signs of disruption along the Narland border, the ASS instead find a corpse flower eating the now zombified remains of Furkan's troops. Attacked by a druid atop a griffon the following morning, they comb the forest south of Chang-Zi, but find little evidence of other fey.

  • 276 FE

    23 /3

    Assassination of Oztay
    Life, Death

    Jarek and Aysin travelled back to Livadin and assassinated Oztay, son of the Baron.

  • 276 FE

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    Into the Greinar
    Era beginning/end

    In search of disturbances, druids and hopefully gold, the ASS head into the dangerous area of the Greinar Chain west of Chang-Zi