Van Roden Family Organization in Trorune | World Anvil

Van Roden Family

The Van Rodens were a noble family of the Second Age, albeit a short-lived one. They would rise to greater prominance in the years following the aftermath of 422 ATS when the Voloken line officially broke and started to decay before they would become a formal and recognized house in 500 ATS under the Fifteenth Emperor, Atticus Talan IV. House Van Roden, when led by Eugene Van Roden, would eventually secure a Viscountship under the Twentieth Emperor, Igus Talan V and would become the steward of Miserth Castle and, by extension, gain ownership of the highly coveted Heartlands by royal decree when the Lady-Regent Galiene of House Lanne undermined the same sitting Emperor by supporting the claim of the bastard-heir of Roland Voloken, Lazarus Volker, and causing the motions of the Lost Emperor Uprising of 622 ATS to unfurl in his effort to curtail any dissidence by other disgruntled or opportunistic nobles.   Unfortunately for House Van Roden, their patriarch was greedy and arrogant in his victory and spoils and sought to embarrass the former Lady-Regent Lanne further. Her, and her patron's, fury led to Van Roden's House, lineage, and words to be subsequently, and ironically, burned away during the Siege of Frightened Fire, one of many noble houses that would fall during the Uprising.


House Van Roden was destroyed during the first winter of the Lost Emperor Uprising in Deep Winter of 623 ATS by the Phoenix of Torm, the Lady-Regent of House Lanne during the Siege of Frightened Fire.

Our Fury Will Burn

500 ATS - 28th Day of Deep WInter, 623 ATS
