Pryllia Character in Troenn | World Anvil
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Physical Condition

Pryllia has the build of a generic halfling woman, albeit a bit more sturdy in some areas to show that she is built and prepared for combat. Besides that, she happens to be fairly agile, able to traverse large swaths of land in merely moments on the battlefield and can easily disable enemies that are significantly larger than she is. Besides this fact, she very much resembles the race she brought to existence, the halfling, and is similar in height to one you might meet on the street.   Pryllia has bright red-gold hair that ends in small ringlets to curl around her shoulders as well as neatly trimmed and well-groomed hair upon the tops of her feet to signify her affection for the halfling race she created long ago.

Facial Features

Besides the determined, sharp eyes with the petite nose that falls to a grinning mouth that never seems to fade to a frown. Besides all of this, there is the near-angelic quality that radiates from Pryllia in response to her perfectly cherubic face.

Apparel & Accessories

She uses robes that are in a shift of brown, green, and yellow. There is a significant lack of jewelry except for a pair of small bronze hoops that are laced through her ears. She has a complete lack of footwear and normally has a gallantly swishing green cape that trails behind her. The most identifying feature of Pryllia is most certainly her large, tower shield that she carries at her side whenever showing herself to others. It is nearly one-and-a-half times as large as her that appears to be made from the shell of a cornucopia to be used to release a bountiful harvest at any given moment. Finally, she has at her side a large kukri that she wields similarly to how one would wield a scimitar in combat.


Divine Domains

Throughout history, Pryllia has come into the jurisdiction of several domains of power. Most of which revolve around the ideas of life and nature. As such, if one were to categorize her domains, they'd be the flora, fauna, and community.

Scripture & Symbol

Much of the teachings of Pryllia are not found within books, but rather are spoken and remembered by great orators who conduct prayer. But, for those that have been written down, they are found in but a few places. For instance, there is the Codex of Righteous Deeds, but there is also the Tome of Agriculture. In both cases, the book outlines defined codes and requests that were given from Pryllia to her priests to carry out her will. And, in layman's terms, the consensus was to not be cruel to others, respect the environment, and take caution when one's traveling to foreign lands.   And just like the scripture of Pryllia, the symbols of her are also few. The first and foremost is the outline of a shield with a cornucopia in the middle, but it can also be the cornucopia by itself as a symbol of the Protector's Bounty. The other symbol, which is known less by the public and more by her holy warriors is the crossing of a scythe, and a kukri, meant to represent the wrath of both harvest and community should one find themselves out of her favor.

Tenets of Pryllia

Protect The Weak. Whether they be simple animals or your fellow man, always be willing to lend a hand in defending people for the good of the realm.

Spread The Harvest. The bounty given by Pryllia is one that should be treasured by all, and any who receive her fortune should be willing to give part of their fortune to another so the cycle may continue.

Save The Community. Should there ever be a threat to the people, one should endeavor to do their best so they might defeat the threat.

Love One's Friends. The most important thing that we are given in life is friends and family that help us to become stronger. Never forget to return their love.

Divine Goals

Currently, Pryllia hopes to rally together champions to finally finish off the last of the Moon-Walkers who threaten the existence of all of her children. Besides the Moon-Walkers, Pryllia also hopes to free all of her children that are in captivity due to enslavement by the kingdom of Armalite.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity






Sworn Enemy (Important)

Towards Pryllia




Sworn Enemy (Important)

Towards Seriyle




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Pryllia




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Arkan



Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Protector, the Lady of Halflings, the Grain-Mother
Astral Sea
Current Residence
The Great Plains of Gleamall
Verdant green, proud
Long, tied, red-gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
17.2 kg
Known Languages
All known languages

Holy Days

The Day of First Seed

The first day that's the most important for farmers is the day when they replant and till the soil for the next season of crops. As such, on that day, many will go to shrines of Pryllia to pray for her bounty and for a good harvest. It symbolizes acknowledgment that Pryllia has domain over plants and animals, and is to ask for protection from malcontents. If one does not participate in the prayer, there is a significant chance of their harvest for that year being completely ruined, not necessarily out of vengeance from Pryllia, but rather because there is nothing to ward off anything that could otherwise corrupt it.

The Day of the Beast

It's normally not celebrated as much by the general populace, but for those who remember the past and how Herkshire was founded by Pryllia's children, they will remember the fight against the Moon-Walkers. As such, this day, the fifteenth day of the third month, commemorates the sacrifices made to bring her children to safety, as well as the continuation of the battle between Pryllia and Seriyle.

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