Stone Giving Tradition / Ritual in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

Stone Giving

Thousands of years ago, the Malatian family started the trend of wearing family members’ gemstones as jewelry. This tradition was then passed down from father to son, mother to daughter. The current king and queen wear the gemstones of their parents in their crowns and as jewelry. It became commonplace in many royal kingdoms as a sign of respect for past rulers. Soon becoming popular among townsfolk too. Now, people will give their carved stones to their loved ones as a sign of love and respect. It is considered a sort of proposal between couples. If the sentiment is shared, the other half will return the gesture.


Thousands of years ago, the Malatian family started the trend of wearing family members’ gemstones as jewelry. This tradition was then passed down from father to son, mother to daughter. The current king and queen wearing the gemstones of their parents in their crowns and as jewelry. It became commonplace in many royal kingdoms as a sign of respect for past rulers. soon becoming popular among townsfolk too. Now, people will give their carved stones to their loved ones as a sign of love and respect. It is considered a sort of proposal between couples. If the sentiment is shared, the other half will return the gesture.

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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