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The Kingsman of Erysea


As the Kingsman, one is granted the absolute authority to enact the kings every will and wish. Be it rain or snow, hail or shine, the words of his king are law - and should the task set forth be completed in both an efficient and satisfactory manner then the Kingsman has fulfilled his role.


The King himself selects who is to be his Kingsman, it is normally someone of very close relation to the king if not already bound by blood. It is crucial that the individual selected has both the kingdoms safety and best interests at heart, for if the title of Kingsman ever fell to someone of ill intent then the King himself would be held responsible in the event of the Kingsman's error. A Kingsman is usually required to be well educated on both the internal and external affairs of the crowns lands, surrounding lands and most importantly the kingdom itself.


It is during the coronation of a King to Erysea that he chooses his Kingsman - this is so that they may serve alongside the king for the remainder of both their lives. In situations where a Kingsman passes before their King, the new Kingsman is often anointed by the currently ruling king. However, in some recorder histories the King has often given his Kingsman the opportunity to choose their Heir in their will should the event of their death ever arise.


The most crucial of the duties of the Kingsman is to maintain both a sense of order, law and loyalty amongst the Kings people. This especially applies to the High Lords and Mayors that govern over the cities and towns of the King. At times, the Kingsman have been known to be legendary in battle, fluent in the arcane and a powerful ally to the Kings people - although this is often a rare occurrence, and most are just very good at keeping up with the vigorous demands of the kingdom.


The only true benefit to being the Kingsman is the title you bare. Many dare not to look at a Kingsman the wrong way in fear of the power they hold. However, Kingsman are by nature lawful and just to their core - and would never jail an innocent over so much as a dirty look.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Kingsman bears the symbol of the Kingdom of Erysea somewhere on their person. The symbol is a stylized flowing of water over a glistening beryl gem and is usually worn as either a brooch, a pin to keep together specific attire or as a piece of jewelry such as a necklace or ring. This symbol is known kingdom-wide as the sign of the Kingsman - and many will not believe a Kingsman's authority until the symbol is flashed one way or another.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Only when a Kingsman's King has passed or been removed from the ruling throne is a Kingsman's title ever lost. In the event that a King wishes to dismiss a Kingsman of service early, it is often a requirement that the Kingsman have committed a heinous crime befitting that of a traitor to the crown.
Civic, Professional
Form of Address
Grand Kingsman
Alternative Naming
Will of the King, Willsman
Source of Authority
The King of Erysea
Length of Term
Related Locations


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