Leonian Ethnicity in Trimyra | World Anvil
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The Leonians are the people of the great southern empire. They are a race of scholars, diplomats, and warriors, a people of great culture. Unlike the waning, quavering empire of the Tryperians, the Leonian empire is at the height of it's greatness, power, and influence, stretching across golden deserts, lush river valleys, and verdant jungles.   They are a medium sized, dusky-skinned, and dark haired people. They are flexible thinkers, being inquisitive and quick-witted.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Met, Shuma, So-ket, Esneen, Enseen, Shuut, Lah, Kal-et

Masculine names

Ennu, Azu, Heb, Neb, Ukai, Kem, Ku, Har-pi, Hes Male names never end in the sound of "T."

Unisex names

Sef, Nen, Sah, Ahken, Luu, Tahl


Major language groups and dialects

Leonians speak the Leonian language, though an educated noble will also speak Eperian Superior as well as a smattering of the Zhilian dialect.

Culture and cultural heritage

Leonians are an introspective people who seek to balance the values of vision and tradition and the ability to apply the virtues of both is considered the highest skill.

Common Dress code

Leonian dress usually consists of a white cotton kilt or tunic, with women wearing a stota. Gold and jeweled ornaments are also very common among those who can afford it.

Art & Architecture

Leonian architecture usually consists of tapered square sandstone construction, though bamboo structures are not unheard of, especially in the southernmost regions where the climate is more detrimental to sandstone. The most iconic pieces of Leonian architecture are the pink and purple granite skinned ziggurats.   Tiled and painted frescoes depicting images of historical, mythological, or even day to day events are found on the inner walls of virtually all buildings of note in Leonia.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

On the scrying day, Leonian infants have their hands painted, one in blue, the other in black, and the marks that they make on their bodies from their movement are read as a portent of their futures once the paint dries.

Coming of Age Rites

A young man of Leonia must set out on a hunting excurssion, either alone, or in unsupervised groups. Once they return with a substantial kill they must meditate over the kill silently, and unmoving for a day. If the kill is a dangerous predator they receive a warrior's mark. Those with a warrior's mark may receive special privileges and considerations in the army.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerary rituals are long, complex, and precise. The bodies of the dead will be dressed and wrapped to exacting specification before being brought to a cool, dark place, where the body is prayed over in shifts for three days before being entombed either in a crypt, or a cave. Warriors are entombed standing.

Common Taboos

To kill or desecrate the body of an animal on a holy day of a deity with which that animal is associated is considered taboo.


Beauty Ideals

The Leonian beauty ideal is a person with fairer than average skin and hair, though rare, hair the color of a lion's pelt is considered the best.

Relationship Ideals

Among the lower classes a woman is almost always expected to be subservient to a man. But among the noble houses the matron is considered to be the superior to any man save for the master.
Related Organizations
Languages spoken

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