Kedite Ethnicity in Trimyra | World Anvil
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Kedites are the people of the east lands from Tiantian south through Hithia, Marthian, Shaurax, Parthos, and Rathos. They are a mysterious race of traders, travelers, warriors, and even sorcerers alike. It is said that all things can be found among the Kedites.   Kedites are a medium to small people with dusky or dark skin and dark hair and eyes.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Wosa, Yiggana, Leggita, Inan, Serrina, Lulet, Yewba

Masculine names

Du, Yin, Leggata, Samanan, Nerkish, Shem, Sem, Thau, Ekender

Unisex names

Desta, Berhem, Euet

Family names

Kurush, Abrush, Anush, Mendata, Kendat, Nesh, Ukin


Major language groups and dialects

Kedites speak primarily the Kedite language but may also speak Leonian, Electrian, Zhillian, or a dialect of Eperian.

Common Etiquette rules

Upon meeting a Kedite will bow with arms raised out away from the body and their sleeves open or drawn back.

Common Dress code

Kedites tend to wear thin cotton or other thin materials loosely about the body as well as various forms of wrapped or draped headwear to protect from the sun. White is the most commonly worn color but among the wealthy a variety of colors can be seen, usually being bright and vibrant. Jewelry of various metals is also common including ear, nose, and lip piercings, even among men.

Art & Architecture

Architecture in the eastern regions is usually arched and open air to let the wind in and supplemented with many awnings to combat the sun. Many people live in yurts or other tent like structures.   Frescoes and tapestries are very common and usually vibrantly colorful. Sculptures are also common but are usually cast from some form of metal and outside of Shurax are almost never made from stone.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Kedites often practice a celebratory dance at festive or holy occasions.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Newborn Kedites are washed in a lightly perfumed basin and given a blessing my a local shaman or holy man. Sometimes the midwife herself will perform this function.

Coming of Age Rites

Kedite boys are sent to spend a week to a month alone in the desert with minimal tools and provisions.   Alternatively one may be sent to find a Black Flower who's petals are chewed to cause a sensation of great pain.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Kedite funerals are remarkably similar to those of Electrians.   Among the wealthy the dead will be placed in specially built "grave houses" wherein they will sit for seven days as family members on other acquaintances whisper at the door, giving prayers and telling the dead of news and secrets left untold in life. The poorer may rent small body sized shrines at special temples for a small fee that serve the same purpose.   The body will then be taken to a permanent tomb or cremated.

Historical figures

Ked the Conqueror


Beauty Ideals

Men with well kempt facial hair and long narrow features are considered the ideal.   Lithe, and graceful, and pale women with long, dark hair are considered the ideal.

Courtship Ideals

Marriages are usually arranged.

Relationship Ideals

Women are expected to be subservient to men.
Related Organizations
Languages spoken

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