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Striving to maintain its independence from the galaxy's larger factions, Tria orbits a pale orange star in the middle of the much contested, semi-lawless region of space between the Coalition systems and the United Feln Federal Regions. Although currently governed by its native inhabitants (Trians: a gnomish race) under the banner of the Free Trian Peoples' Republic, Tria is also home to a small Feln colonial presence in the northern regions of its continents and a collection of human refugee settlements along the southern coast of its western continent.   Although occasionally accepting aid from the Galactic Coalition, the Free Trian Peoples' Republic strives to maintain its sovereignty over their world. To minimize unauthorized smuggling of persons and/or contraband to or from the planet, the Republic's naval and orbital fleets funnel all offworld traffic to and from a small continent in the Southern Sea while maintaining the rest of the planet's airspace under strict lockdown. Persons and goods that pass the Republic's strict customs process can then be ferried to their intended destination but for many, this small continent is as far as they are allowed. As such, it has become a multi-cultural hub and port of call in the Independent Systems that's filled with drifters, entrepreneurs, pilots, mercenaries, and many others.

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