Eros - God of Fertility & Love Character in Tremdal | World Anvil
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Eros - God of Fertility & Love

Eros is the eldest child of Bimos and Ayona. When he was born he seemed to take after his mother, thus being said he was granted with the domains of Fertility and Love. Eros is the father to all cupids and they all take orders from him.

Holy Books & Codes

The sacred texts are known collectively as "The Songs of Union." These holy books celebrate the essence of love, fertility, and the interconnectedness of all living things. There are three primary volumes within "The Songs of Union":   Harmony of Hearts (Erosiah): This book is dedicated to the divine essence of love. It narrates tales of love's triumphs and challenges, illustrating the different facets of romantic relationships and the deep connections that bind individuals. It provides guidance on fostering love, compassion, and understanding within the mortal realm.   Blossoming Bonds (Erosmara): "Blossoming Bonds" explores the theme of fertility and the cycles of creation. It delves into the natural world, detailing the harmonious dance between life and nature. The text emphasizes the importance of fertility in all aspects of existence, from the growth of crops to the propagation of families.   The Union Codex (Erosynth): This codex is a comprehensive guide to the divine aspects of unity and connection. It covers the sacred rituals, ceremonies, and festivals dedicated to Eros. It also contains verses on the bonds forged between individuals, communities, and even nations when rooted in the principles of love and fertility.   These holy books are considered not only spiritual guides but also artistic expressions, with intricate illustrations and poetry capturing the beauty of love and fertility. Devotees of Eros often turn to these texts for inspiration, seeking guidance on matters of the heart, family planning, and the celebration of life's interconnectedness.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil of Eros is an ornate depiction of a heart-shaped vine, but with an additional element—a radiant star positioned at the center of the heart. This star represents the divine spark of love that illuminates the darkness and brings warmth to the coldest hearts. The vines and the star are intricately intertwined, emphasizing the harmonious connection between the celestial and earthly realms through the godly domain of Eros. Devotees often wear or display this sigil during ceremonies and festivals dedicated to the god of love and fertility.
Short, Blonde, Wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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