Nitri Character in Torre | World Anvil


The Divine Trickster

Nitri is the twin sister of Lull, and the goddess of Power, Ambition, Secrets, Trickery, Lust and Magic. Similar to Lull, she is said to be an avatar of the star Lus, and channels its magical energy directly to Torre. She is most often sought out by businessmen and world leaders seeking an ever-growing goal of power and influence, however she has a penchant for trickery, and will often lead her more morally deplorable followers to their own demise as punishment.

Divine Domains

Power, Ambition, Secrets, Trickery, Lust and Magic.


The Scarf of Nitri was an item Nirti created as a gift to Rio, the king of Osao, as a concession prize when he challenged her divinity in a show of power and lost. It was, of course, cursed to further belittle him for his arrogance
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
Nitri was one of the original nine Venari born from Venar to lead the world from an age of darkness into civilization and prosperity.
Aligned Organization


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