Sister Agathe Character in Toril | World Anvil
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Sister Agathe

Sister Agathe

A Half-Elf of almost unknown origin. One would suggest that Half-Elves age slower than humans, however this specific speciment is seemingly stuck in the body of a 14 year old.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abducted shortly after her birth in 1375 DR by the Red Wizards of Thay, Agathe never really had the chance to experience a normal childhood. She instead was subjected to various experiments conducted by the followers of Szass Tam and was expected to expire after outliving her usefulness.   Agathe however was kept in a sort of perpetual limbo between life and death by sheer coincidence since no poison or spell, no matter how powerfull, was able to finish her off for good, only incapacitate her for a while. She even recovered from fatal injuries by simply regrowing organs rapidly or reattaching lost body parts.   This attracted the attention of Szass Tam himself who promised her power and freedom if she agrees to carry out his will, acting as master and patron at the same time.   Thus she travels the realm and multiverse in search of powerful relics and rare oddities in the name of the Zulkir of Necromancy.


In 1501 she was tasked to retrieve the Hand of Vecna, a powerful necromantic atrifact, which led her to the first layer of hell, Avernus. There, at the entrance to the Scab, she met a group of adventurers who were attempting to retrieve the Sword of Zariel, the current regent of Avernus and former Archangel.

They agreed to work together with her for a while, ignoring some concerns due to her being affiliated with the red wizards, as there is strenght in numbers, and together, they managed to pass Yael's test and were allowed to remove the sword from its resting place.

As the sword was taken from the altar, an explosion of light emenated from it, completely removing the Scab that covered the Bleeding Citadel and opening a way outside without needing to travers the dangers of the Scab again.
The party then decided to indulge Agathe into their plans to save the city of Elturel, which was currently suspended over the river styx with infernal chains: Redeem Zariel with the help of her sword and her old friend, the hollyphant Lulu.

Whilst the ambitions of the party did not align with her task, she simply could not ignore the many lives that were endangered and possibly soon to be lost to the river styx.
She then and there decided to put her task to the side and aid this group of soon to be heroes, so that the sun may once again shine over the holy city of Elturel.

Post Avernus

Her current location and goals remain unknown, for now.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: books about the Arcane, Musicals, Hero Stories, Sweets, small animals   Dislikes: being treated like a child, physical contact, Dwarves, lazy people



From the outside Agathe seems to be uncaring and cold, her rather monotonous way of speaking as well as her aversion to physical contact with other humanoids isn't helping her either. On the inside, however, she is a person who cares deeply for the weak and misguided and will go to incredible lenghts in order to help them.

Agathe tends to hide her face behind a white mask if she ends up in an embarrassing or uncomfortable situation.
Year of Birth
1375 DR 127 Years old
Light Blue
Shoulder Long, White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
4,6 ft. (140cm)
92 lb.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Deep Speech, Elvish, Infernal


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