Szass Tam Character in Toril | World Anvil

Szass Tam

Szass Tam is a powerful lich and a member of a group of eight Zulkirs who rule the country of Thay. He is the Zulkir of Necromancy and commands the Legion of Bone, a huge legion of undead soldiers, led by his vampire and lich generals. In 1159 DR Szass Tam became a lich after an abortive invasion of Rashemen.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Szass Tam is a shorter man with a slightly stocky build. He wears dress shoes and uses a cane to walk which he also uses as an arcane focus. He has a long sleek red somewhat unkempt beard with prominent cheekbones, sunken eyes and a crooked nose. 

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like other Red Wizards, Szass Tam prefers to remain unseen, working through lackeys and servitor creatures (including vast armies of undead) while he plots and schemes. His undeath gave him patience. He is quite prepared to abandon servants and attempts that failed, and simply try again later in a better way. Those who meet him (or seemingly real magical images of himself that he creates and sent far across Faerûn) discover Szass Tam to be calm, cultured, and even pleasant. Tam is polite but blunt, and he can be plunged instantly into cold, controlled rage by insolence or deliberate defiance. On the other hand, he seems to admire those who cross or foil him by cleverness, as long as they treat him politely.

Intellectual Characteristics

Szass Tam personality is incredibily elusive and meticulous despite holding a prestitious title. Usually he is quite polite and fair but he can demonstrate a rather antisocial behaviour if he is agitated. The thing that gets him heated are rude, slow and impolite people. While he avoids direct confrontation and usually let his guards fight for him he can hold his own in a fight.

Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Zulkir of Necromancy, Regent of Thay
Date of Birth
1104 DR
Current Residence
Dark red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Elvish, Undercommon