Nassari, Dean of Expression Character in Toril | World Anvil

Nassari, Dean of Expression

Nassari (genasi Prismari professor of expression) is the current Dean of Expression. Nazzari always want to see art that is bigger, more radical in concept, and more emotionally powerful. For their final project as a mage-student, Nassari famously “turned in” an earthquake, which almost destroyed three campus buildings. The piece received a standing ovation from the mage-student body—and a grumpy thumbs down from the campus construction golems.   Nassari believes that true expression comes from the heart. They encourage their students to treat the entire world as a canvas on which to spread emotion and excitement. Nassari takes little heed of Dean Mistcoiler’s quiet masterpieces and often feigns forgetfulness about Dean Mistcoiler’s very existence.


Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization