Myeme Un'Classe Character in Toril | World Anvil

Myeme Un'Classe

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myeme grew up in Waterdeep's Sea Ward as a part of the Un'Classe family. Her half-elven father, Edouard, and her half-elven mother, Antoinette, are both working for the Cassalanters family. They serve as the highest form of management and are therefore right under the Cassalanters family. They manage most banks, money-lending and rumor-mongering in Waterdeep and beyond.   Irsya was the bodyguard of Myeme when she went into town or had to travel outside of it. With the ability to change her looks, Irsya and Myeme were easily able to blend into the crowd. As they grew older they started to become closer. Myeme never had
much interest in taking over for her parents as she grew older, she instead was more interested in the world around the docks, Irsya's world. After pushing Irsya continuously she finally gave in and would sneak Myeme out at night to visit the docks. Cleary a fish out of water, Myeme, unbeknownst to her, had offended some of the wrong people which Irsya had to deal with. After that night they started sneaking out more often, exploring the magical nightlife of Waterdeep and learning about all the tiny corners of the city.   Besides learning more about the city, they also started learning more about each other. With Irsya's job for royalty and Myeme's interest in the Dockward and common-life they were both quite the outcasts in their demographic. So at some point they decided that if they wouldn't be accepted in other groups, they would just create their own life, with just the two of them. One night, Irsya helped Myeme to sneak out one last time, but this time permanently.

Gender Identity




They bought a small place near the docks and Irsya took on a job as a bodyguard outisde of The Yawning Portal. Myeme started working in The Saloon, a tavern run by Mr. Gill Squillanir. She started off as a waiter in order to pay to put food on the table. Soon however, she started overhearing some conversations between Ufaegrim and some of her workers. Apparently they were looking for someone to transport some of their goods, yet they couldn't find anyone that ''would bother trying to stay alive''. Since Irsya and Myeme had been struggling with money and since she had her degree in Conjuration, she approached Ufaegrim without really thinking it through. She showed her what she could do and how she could be helpful, and simply put, Ufaegrim agreed.  
Full of excitement, Myeme came home that night and told Irsya about her new job. Immediately worried, Irsya uttered that Ufaegrim was someone you wouldn't want to work for. After arguing about the job they decided they would go through with is, as long as Irsya could come with them to keep an eye out for any trouble.   Two days later Ufaegrim met with them at a warehouse near the docks. Inside were a bunch of wooden crates sealed shut that needed to be transported to a customer. Myeme started her ritual circle and Irsya was told to keep any intruders from entering the warehouse. Surely enough, an hour later the crates were teleported to the customer and the job was done. Ufaegrim told them she'd be in contact with them when another job would come up.     Months passed as snow started finding its way onto the cold streets of Waterdeep. Irsya was still working at The Yawning Portal, and Myeme had gone back to The Saloon. In the meantime they had developed their relationship into more than just friendship, neither of them either daring or knowing how to make the next step. On a cold and busy night at The Saloon, Ufaegrim finally showed up again. Myeme was angry with her, calling her out on her bullshit. After yelling at her for almost 10 minutes she was finally done and Ufaegrim gave her a choice: Work for me permanently, or never hear from me again. Irsya and Myeme talked it over and agreed.   Irsya's task was to carefully take notes of specific customers in The Yawning Portal, especially a man named Kevros of Asturias. Myeme's job started again with teleporting some contraband, but eventually things started getting more complicated. Ufaegrim eventually brought in more employees to the warehouse, and they would soon find out why her previous employees kept dying, as Ulfaegrim killed the workers with just a single touch. As Myeme stood by motionless, Ufaegrim ordered her to teleport the bodies to another location in Waterdeep. Any other person would have ran at this point, but Myeme saw an opportunity. You see, they had recently found out that Irsya would outlive Myeme by tons and tons of years. This conversation had put a dark cloud above both Irsya and Myeme, as they felt they would spend their entire lives together just scraping to get by, but this could make a change.   Together they considered the chance and started researching Necromancy in the Font of Knowledge, Waterdeep's biggest library. There wasn't much information to be found, but then Irsya remembered Kevros of Asturias' conversations. At first it hadn't made much sense to her, but she slowly started putting the pieces together. A nobleman in a field like that must have quite a big collection of Necromancy books. That night they followed him home from The Yawning Portal and broke into his house, looking for anything they could use. Unsurprisingly, they soon stumbled upon his bookcollection, realising they had no clue what they were looking for exactly. Then suddenly a book fell from the shelves exactly in front of Irsya's feet. This black leathered book was titled ''The Grimoire of the Four Quarters''. Suddenly a noise came from downstairs and they fled, closely holding onto the book.  

The Grimoire of the Four Quarters

The Grimoire of the Four Quarters is written by Devostas, the first ever creature to reach lichdom. The book itself seems to be nothing special in particular, but once a mortal creature starts reading the chapters their brains become engulfed with necrotic energy. Quite easily they managed to learn the basics of lichdom as if it was being whispered into their minds. The only problem is, in order te become a lich you need to acquire a couple of things: a soul to sacrifice, the will to overcome the dark energy, and money. The soul would be simple, that could be Myeme's own, but the money was the main problem. However, the money that was described would be too much for any man to ever have. So they decided fuck it. They didn't need Myeme to become the Sword's Coast's most powerful lich, they just needed her to live long enough so they could spend their lives together.  

The Ceremony

It took them 12 hours to prepare the ceremony and with their selfconfidence and love for each other Myeme stepped into the circle as Irsya performed the ritual. At first nothing too interesting was happening, until cold air started spreading around the room as if they were standing in the middle of a snowstorm. Their skin started irritating, aching and eventually burning because of the cold. Irsya was unsure to continue, yet Myeme encouraged her to continue, they must be close. The pain continued, then nothing.   Some time passed, and Myeme was woke up by someone yelling her name and someone shaking her. As she opened her eyes, Irsya realised they weren't her eyes. Technically they were, but her soul wasn't. It wasn't someone else's soul, Myeme's soul was gone. On the other hand, Myeme looked at her with a confused stare, for she did not recognize Irsya in the slightest. While trying to speak her throat was sore and parched, Irsya took her to the bathroom for a glass of water and both were met with a horrifying occurrence. In the reflection of the mirror of a man with a slimy smirk with a bright green emanating from him. In a raspy voice he spoke the following: ''Gotta say, for a bunch of random idiots you did at least somewhat try. Shame that you couldn't read much further than the soul part, to be fair, you things always are kind off impatient.''  
The person introduced themself as Velsharoon, Archmage of Necromancy, Lord of the Forsaken Crypt and The Vaunted. Also known to their friends as Mellifleur. He gave a speech about how it was rare that people died during the ceremony and not afterwards and told them that a follower of The Ravenqueen would soon show up to take them, they made it very clear that he was eager to see the look of the reaper's face. Except, no reaper showed up. Annoyed by the waiting time they wanted to take matters into his own hands. And then it happened. His previously smug demeanour changed into one of confusion, as he was not able to send Irsya and Myeme to the Shadowfell. Even their aura changed from green to yellow. He stared at Irsya and Myeme, muttering in Abyssal about how fucked the situation was. Irsya was still alive, which could be considered lucky, but Myeme was neither alive nor dead, she was in a permanent purgatorial state. Velsharoon disappeared.   Irsya and Myeme were trying to figure out the situation, but mainly trying to explain the situation to Myeme. All Myeme remembered was that she was trying to achieve lichdom to spend her life with her soulmate, and admitted this to an unbeknownst Irsha that had never heard Myeme adress someone as their soulmate and was therefore convinced Myeme had fallen in love with someone, maybe Ufaegrim? Or someone from royalty?  

Waterdeep Dragonheist

That night Velsharoon appeared again, this time in the actual room. They explained to them that they had a problem, which also influenced him. You see, they made it clear that he and Orcus were the gods of the Undead, his domain specifically falling under liches. If someone becomes a lich, he is supposed to make sure they don't become too powerful and handle their magical abilities. Orcus would normally deal with the Undead, but since liches have a will of their own he can't be bothered, so that's where Velsharoon comes in. However, Myeme isn't an Undead, nor dead or alive. This has never happened before. This also means that she wouldn't fall under The Ravenqueen or Shar's jurisdiction, but he won't tell them that. They told them they want to help Myeme to become a lich, and he does so by showing her how to collect spirits and control them.   Velsharoon's plan is that if they makes enough noise, eventually Shar will show up and she will finally see them for the impressive person that they are. People haven't heard from Shar in years, she hasn't deemed anyone worthy to talk to her in years. So Velsharoon helps them grow stronger, to create more noise, and get Shar's attention. Irsya and Myeme however, already found a plan to find the money they need, leading them to Waterdeep Dragonheist. Their first step, The Yawning Portal.

Should she be adventuring? No. Is she adventuring? Yes.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Circumstances of Birth
Born into royalty.
Circumstances of Death
Died trying to transform to lichdom and was reborn.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation