Tortle {tortoise} Species in Toril | World Anvil

Tortle {tortoise}

The tortle is based on the tortoise.   Strong, wise and well-armored, the standard tortle is a flexible and surprisingly fast creature.
Detail Description
Size Medium or Small
Speed 30'
Attributes +2 Strength, +1 Wisdom (Alt +2/+1 in any stats)
Ability: Claws 1d6 + Strength mod of slashing damage
Ability: Natural Armor Base Armor Class is 17. Dex does not affect this, and they can't wear armor, but they can carry a shield
Ability: Hold Breath A tortle can hold its breath for an hour
Ability: Nature's Intuition Proficiency in Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature, Perception Stealth or Survival
Ability: Shell Defense Withdraw into your shell, even during combat, which provides +4 AC, advantage on Str and Con checks at a cost of zero speed, an inability to take reactions, and disadvantage on Dex saving throws. The only bonus action can be climbing out of the shell

Class Considerations

Because of their strength, wisdom and natural armor, tortles do very well in classes that traditionally have lower armor: barbarians, druids, rangers, and strength monks, though they really don't have any class that they won't be a solid choice.


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