Kitsune {Fox} in Toril | World Anvil

Kitsune {Fox} (Key-tsoo-ne)

Kitsune are based on the fox, but are also natural shapeshifters with certain limits.   It is said that foxes are "cat software running on dog hardware" and this idea certainly applies to the kitsune. They have a vaguely dog-like appearance, but have a personality that is more akin to cats. They are fast, agile, and delight in mischief and trickery. Even lawfully-aligned kitsune delight in pranks.   Yet despite the fact that they are a playful race who speaks sylvan as their native language, they are not fey creatures and do not even appear to have their origins among the fey. Instead, they have just kept many characteristics of foxes while also developing the more civilized or restrained characteristics of an anthropomorphic race.   From their vulpine origins, they maintain a strong loyalty to the members of their skulk, even when those members are not also kitsune. In fact they are firm believers in chosen family. Part of that is because they are social creatures, but also, they are often distrusted and mistreated by others, and so put more faith in their own kind, or those that they choose to bring into their family.   This mistrust of those outside their skulk is why they will wear the faces of other races when among them, rather than feeling safe to be themselves. Among humans, especially, they will maintain human appearance so as not to be recognized. Among other anthromorphs, they will sometimes "lower their tail" and revert to their natural appearance, but will flee and transform, if they feel threatened.    
Detail Description
Size Medium, normally 5-6' tall and tend to have slighter builds, but not always.
Speed 30'
Attributes +2 Dexterity, +1 any stat (Alt +2/+1 in any stats)
Ability: Natural Weapons 1d4 + strength mod; martial arts grants +1 unarmed strikes.
Ability: Pounce A kitsune can make a running long or high jump with only 5' movement, instead of 10' With the athletics feat, you can do running long and high jumps without moving.
Ability: Shapechanger Kitsune are shapechangers, but for the Harengon campaign, they can transform into other anthropomorphic forms. You can use an action to polymorph into a different chosen anthropomorphic animals specific human identity or back to your true form, as if using the "change appearance" option of alter self, but without concentration. You do not heal from this ability.
Ability: Fox's Slyness Kitsune get proficiency in Deception, and advantage on Charisma(Deception) to pass as other anthropomorphic animals
Ability: Languages Kitsune speak both Common and Sylvan

Class Considerations

Both in ability and theme, Kitsune make excellent rogues, with their speed, dexterity and ability to jump. And while not avid collectors, Kitsune are not above occasionally liberating something that would look better in their own homes, especially when the original owners showed that they didn't deserve it.   Kitsune monks are also an excellent choice, for the same reasons, plus the extra point of damage on unarmed attacks, from their claws. This class is often a choice for kitsune who are looking to come to terms between their wild spirits and the weight of society, between their own forms and the other forms they can take.   Kitsune bards, sorcerers and warlocks are all viable choices for those who have strong personalities...for those who put their extra point into charisma. Their other abilities provide synergy with the need to be (or not be) in specific locations to cast a spell.


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