Session 82: Loose Ends Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 82: Loose Ends Report

General Summary

Session 82 – Wednesday September 22, 2021 – Loose Ends

4 Hour Role playing session. 6:00 PM to 10:00P

Party of 4 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 13th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human L8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L3Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (remote)
  • Jaquette Mara – L16 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L15 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L14 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King (Absent-Church)
  • Rolen – Human L16 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrena Rechs – Human L13 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda (Absent)
  • Jeter Kaiser – L16 Human Sorcerer – Spencer Armstrong (Back at school)
  • Get Ring of Winter from Artus Cimber who is in Chult
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

Morning in Chult

The morning after killing Acererak, the party discussed their plans. They decided to first go to Amn and meet up with Anna. Then go to Waterdeep and then to Neverwinter to pick up items. They had a wonderful breakfast and enjoyed the gratitude of people of Chult. Lucky told stories of the Order of Heroes to the people of Chult. Jaquette enjoyed the attention of muscular male suitors. Rolen obtained a potion of bottled breath and Lucky gave Rolen a potion of short rest. They Arcanaloth and Luigi went into Rolen’s Demi plane to study the books from the Tomb of the 9 gods. Lucky took a lock of hair from Artus Cimber. They propped up Artus in between them put a hat on his head and a pair of sunglasses and then walked him around as if he were conscious. They then went to the teleportation circle where the Barron transported them to Amn.

Morning in Amn

The party arrived in an immense and immaculate temple and were greeted by Temple priests. They explained they are the order of Heroes. The priests told them they were expected. They were escorted out of the building and got their first glimpse of the city of exorbitant wealth. Everything was ostentations from the roads of gems and precious metals to the trees with silver garland. The people were all dressed ostentatiously wearing formal clothes and carrying bars of gold to go shopping. A short young woman greeted the party and introduced herself has Hanna.

Hanna asked the party if they were magical users, and the entire party raised their hands. The party dropped their spells and Rolen showed the party his true self (a pale elf with odd piercings.) Anna took the party to the Wizards of the Coast building in Downtown Amn to purchase a 1-day magical permit. The elf behind the counter had heard of the Order of Heroes and thanked them for ending the Death Curse. He gave them a 10% discount. Hanna then took the party to the Selemchant estate. It was more impressive than anyone had imagined and made the most elaborate homes of Waterdeep look like shacks.

Anna and her Sisters

When the party arrived at the home, they were told that the ceremonies will commence in 3 days. They were then greeted by 4 other Annas, Anna, Ah-na, Anika, and Annabell. Anika mentioned that it would be great if people who knew Morganna would say something at the memorial service. Lucky volunteered to speak much to Rolen’s dismay.

Annalisa had spent most of the night crying with her sisters and most of the morning copying spells into her spell book. Annalisa eventually joined the party. They exchanged pleasantries and Anna told the party what she had been doing. Annalisa noticed Artus Cimber standing in the midst of the party with the hat and sunglasses. Anna offered to take him to the cellar and have Anna the Cleric revive him.

Awakening Artus.

Anna (the Cleric) recognized the spell and was able to revive Artus. Artus woke up and sprung to life in a defensive posture. The party was able to calm him down and explain that they killed Acererak and rescued Atrus. Lucky told him that his ring of Winter was missing when they found him. Artus seemed more concerned with his wife. He told them that Acererak turned her into a horrid one-eyed monster called a Nothic but he knew how to bring her back. Lucky again lied quite convincingly that they never saw such a creature.

Anna gave to Artus the Bloodstone they had. They explained to Artus that they found his son, Sirac of Suzail. Atrus told the party that his only goal is to go back to Chult and find his wife. Lucky told Artus that his wife is most likely dead. Artus asked them if they had destroyed the soul monger and they said, “Yes.” Artus explained that he has several priests in Chult who owe him a favor. He begged Anna to send him back to Chult to find his wife and Anna agreed. As Artus left the asked about his son and the party explained that he’s in Neverwinter. Artus told them that after he finds his wife, he will look into his son. He thanked the Order of Heroes and told them that he would spread the news of them far and wide. Anna gave Rolen a lead lined box for the Ring of Winter and Rolen put it in the box.

The Teavern

Anna took the party to the family teleportation circle and they teleported to Neverwinter. They arrived at the Harper’s secret teleportation circle in a house in Neverwinter. They were greeted by a young woman named Sandyse who had heard of the Order of Heroes. She allowed them to pass and directed them to the exit. In the street they heard a knocking noise and then a Thud and then they saw a door that they didn’t think was there before. Over the door was the sign “The Teavern.”

Lucky opened the door and saw an empty tavern with one man behind the bar. He was a humanoid dressed head to toe in dark leathers with a hood and a plague doctor's mask covering his face. The entire party sighed slightly and followed Lucky in. Anna recognized the spell on the door as that of a Magnificent Mansion spell. The man at the bar greeted them warmly and told them he had been expecting them and had prepared a Tea for each one of them. Anna asked how he knew they would be coming, and the man replied, “I’m the Keeper, and I was told by an associate of yours that you would be on your way.”

The Keeper went on, “Please don’t tell me, let me guess, I rarely make mistakes. Even though I wasn’t’ given specific descriptions of your person, I was given the description of your desire I’ve chosen an appropriate tea.” He looked at Jaquette and said “Mrs. Burton.” I can tell from your most natural appearance. This is an herbal tea that is brewed especially for you.” Jaquette started to say “I’m not…” but Rolen kicked her under the table, and she stopped speaking.

The Keeper went to each of them and called by an incorrect name. Miss Brighton to Anna, Mr Hampton to Lucky, Mr. Lockridge to Rolen. He turned to Tyrena and said: “Miss Montgomery, this tea will aid you for you stay with me. When we have completed our task, I will return you to a place of your choosing. Everyone except Anna drank the tea before them. Jaquette received a charm of the Elixir of health allowing her to use an Elixir of health up to 3 times. Lucky received the charm of potion of Heroism (2x) and Rolen received the charm of the potion of Invulnerability (2x.)

Mirrors of the Soul

The keeper told everyone that Miss Montgomery will stay with him for a while and Tyrena seemed intrigued. The keeper then told the party to please go into the next room before they leave. The 4 remaining party members agreed and went into the adjacent room. When the last person walked in, the door closed and disappeared into the wall. There were 4 walls in the 6o foot square room. Each wall seemed translucent, and mists appeared to dance and shift beyond the polished surface. The walls appeared to be a slightly different hue. One greenish, one reddish, one blueish and one orangish but only the slightest hint of color.

Lucky walked to the green wall and saw his reflection clearly in the wall. Rolen walked to the Orange and saw his reflection. Jaquette to the red and Anna to the Blue and they both saw their own reflections. Each person reached out and touched their reflection. As soon as they touched the mirror, they found themselves inside the mirror and saw their reflection on the other side. The reflection held out its arms and in one hand it held out a small box and in the other a dagger.

Rolen Anna and Lucky reached for the box. Jaquette reached for the dagger. Jaquette had a charismatic battle with herself swaying back and forth. The real Jaquette won the battle and grabbed for the dagger and then disappeared. The other three each heard a riddle in their head. They had 1 minute (and 3 guesses) to guess the answer to: “You saw me where I never was, and where I could not be. And yet within that place, my face you often see.” Only Anna guessed correctly “Reflection.” Rolen figured it out it but on the 4th guess and too late.

Anna and Jaquette appeared instantly near the exit door of the Teaveren. Rolen and Lucky appeared to be thrown out of a portal face first onto the floor at their feet. The keeper said to them, “looks like two of you succeed and two did not.” The two that did succeed gained 1 legendary resistance. The keeper bid them “good day.” Before they left, Tyrena gave Acererak’s staff to Rolen on the promise that it is only going to the BlackStaff of Waterdeep. As soon as they walked out the door, they heard a knock and a thud, and the door was gone. They then saw a group of 3 Nobel women and 2 Nobel men walking down the street looking carefully at the doors. They party quickly walked away.

Collecting in Neverwinter

The party decided to avoid Saul Chase and went to look for the shops where they had ordered items. Jaquette noticed that there seem to be fewer towns’ guards about Neverwinter, and the crowds of people seemed to be just slightly lighter than she recalled. They made their way to the Dwarven Armory “Clobbering Time” and found the Dwarf Torthan Mountainhand. He had just completed their items yesterday and presented to the party:
  • Breastplate of Fire Resistance
  • Flame-tongue Short sword
  • Gold Dragon Tail Whip.
Anna presented Torthan with some invisible teeth and leather from the Invisible Beholder they killed. Torthan offered to make an invisible dagger undetectable by non-magical means for 5,000gp and be ready in 2 weeks, by 3 Uktar. Anna gave him 3,000gp. Torthan told her that she’ll have to pick it up within 30 days of it being complete. Torthan mentioned that business is a bit slow with people disappearing. The party sighed and asked him about it. He didn’t have many details other than telling them that rumors talk about people who just disappear and there are clearly fewer and fewer town’s guards. The party again debated seeing Saul Chase or not.

Saul Chase

The party decided to go see Saul Chase. They walked into his office and heard the slow jazz piano in the background. Saul was not happy with the party’s failure to truly fix the issue at the graveyard and told the party that people are disappearing. He explained that about 40% of his force has gone missing, 40% are too afraid to track these things down and the remaining 40% aren’t experienced enough.

He told them about what Mrs. Plazinski had reported just a few nights ago. How Mr. Plazinski just walked away after some purple faced man eating an octopus and wearing a fancy cape. Saul told the party that he wants to deputize them and get them back on this case. He suggested they speak with Captain Barnes so they can get all the information that he has. The party told Saul they would but had a few things to take care of first. The party went back to the Harpers meeting house and used the teleportation circle to go to Syndra Silvane’s in Waterdeep. Lucky overheard the Harpers meeting and discovered that they were looking into the disappearances and had a Harper agent in the Cemetery named Tobias who was looking into the matter. Lucky also gained 2nd level in the Harpers.

Syndra Silvane’s

The party arrived in a dark room and they eventually found Syndra who looked so much better but still wore her mask. She thanked the party for successfully ending the death curse and saving her life. To show her appreciation she offered the party one item each from her treasure chest of collected items from her adventuring days (see our discord chat for all the options.) Lucky chose the gauntlets of ogre power. Jaquette took the Belt of Dwarven kind. Rolen took the Sovereign glue and found it had 7 ounces of glue in it! Anna took a 10,000gp diamond. Syndra again thanked the party and they left.

The Black Staff

The party walked to the BlackStaff Tower and were greeted by one of the BlackStaff lackies (Sylvester.) They mentioned they had and artifact and were granted immediate entrance. Sylvester told them that he needed to catalog the item, but Lucky wouldn’t let him take it. Sylvester summoned a lesser lacky who went to retrieve Enailis. Enailis came and examined the staff and was impressed by the party. He asked how ge could help them. The party said they wanted to get into Candlekeep.

Enailis told them that they simply need a book that CandleKeep does not have, or he could get them in. The party explained they wanted to do some research on Acererak. Enailis told them, they need to speak with Sam Tarly and Denniboe Nebbido as they are the resident Acererak experts at CandleKeep. Lucky’s eyes grew wide as he knew Denniboe Nebbido. However, Enailis then explained that if the party was looking for information on Acererak’s Phylactery that is something that people throughout the Multiverse has been looking for. He told them that they could be assured that his Phylactery would be within a Dungeon more immense and dangerous than any other dungeon they had experienced. In addition, they would need something powerful enough to destroy a god to do any damage to the phylactery.

Jaquette asked if Enailis had any information on the MindFlayers. Enailis explained that they function as a colony with a hive mind. Killing the Elder Brain would be helpful in destroying the colony.
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
28 Sep 2021