Session 80: 5 Days to save Chipper part 12 Day 3 Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 80: 5 Days to save Chipper part 12 Day 3 Report

General Summary

Session 80 – Wednesday September 1, 2021 - 5 days to save Chipper part 12 (Day 3)

4 Hour Dungeon crawl session. 6:00 PM to 10:30P

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 12th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human L8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L3Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (remote)
  • Jaquette Mara – L16 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L15 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L14 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King
  • Rolen – Human L16 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrena Rechs – Human L13 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda (remote)
  • Jeter Kaiser – L16 Human Sorcerer – Spencer Armstrong (Back at school)


  • Destroy the Soulmonger and stop the death curse
  • Get Ring of Winter from Artus Cimber who is in Chult (also going after the Soulmonger)
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

The Sewn Sisters seen by one

Luigi saw the Sewn Sisters in the Border Ethereal plane and ended his Etherealness spell. He explained to the party what he saw, and they debated for some time on how to deal with them. Lucky mentioned that even though they are evil hags, they are Fey, and he’d rather not kill them. They realized they didn’t have any means to go after the hags, so they continued to find ways to open the key holes.

Trial of the pentagon

Anna went into the room with a pentagon on the door. She was followed by Lucky and Tyrena. The delicious aroma of spiced meat greeted her as she opened the door. At the end of a twenty-foot-long corridor, they entered a room with red tapestries covering the walls. A feast was spread out on three tables, consisting of roast boar, squash stew, and a tray of iced cakes. Flagons of frothy beer completed the banquet. A gaunt human male in a dusty black suit quietly arranged the items on the cake table, taking notice of the intrusion. Without a word, he gestured for them to come forward and sample the feast. Anna and Lucky both sampled the food and Tyrena had a beer.

Examining the tapestries, Anna saw they were made of pentagonal patches stitched together. One in particular she noticed looked subtly like a devil’s face with its mouth open. She asked lucky to stick his arm in. He did, and he found a lever. Pulling the lever opened the plate covering the pentagon key. Lucky tried talking to the Butler, but the butler didn’t speak.

Trial of the hexagon

Anna led Jaquette, Lucky and Tyrena into the room with the hexagon on it. Inside, they found a large, cracked, six-sided mirror mounted above a stone shelf protruding from the opposite wall. Five unlit candles stood on the shelf, each made of yellow wax and covered with tiny black sigils. Scrawled on the wall above the mirror in dried blood were the words “PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY.” Lucky lit the five candles. Anna looked in the mirror and saw, in the reflection, a lever on the south wall. Anna couldn’t find the lever on the wall. Tyrena pulled out a handheld mirror and held it in a way so that Anna could see her reflection reach for the lever, but it couldn’t. Jaquette and Luigi went in to help. Luigi pointed out that there are only 5 candles. Then he looked in the mirror and said, “Piggy Piggy Piggy”, nothing happened so he left the room.

Rolen took out one of his candles and put it next to the others and lit it. Then, using Tyrena’s mirror positioned himself so his reflection pulled the lever down. Immediately three wereboars appeared. Rolen shot 3 bolts into one. Tyrena used her greatsword and cleaved the same wereboar in two. Anna punched the 2nd wereboar and stunned it, Rolen finished it off with 3 bolts to the head. Tyrena started into the 3rd one with her greatsword. Anna punched it with her mechanical fist. The wereboar attacked Anna with it’s maul. Jaquette stepped up to it, and like trying to cover it with hairspray she cast poison spray all over the creature, killing it. Lucky borrowed Rolen’s knife and started harvesting some boar meat.

Discovering that the plate was still covering the pentagon the party tried several ideas, but nothing seemed to work. Thinking that the Wereboars need to but put on the table, Tyrena got the 2nd body onto the table but one of the legs snapped, revealing a secret compartment. Within the compartment they found a 6th candle with a black sigil on it. They put Lucky under the table to hold it up, placed 6 candles on the table and lit them. They tried a few more things but nothing seemed to open the keyhole. Rolen arranged the candles in a hexagon and said, “piggy piggy piggy” and then saw, in the mirror, a lever appear on the north wall. Using Tyrena’s mirror again Rolen watched his reflection. as he reached for the lever and pulled it. This lever opened the hexagon keyhole in the wall.

Trial of the octagon

Anna led Jaquette and Lucky into the final room with the octagon on the door. The ceiling of this plaster-walled room was fifteen feet high. A leather-backed tome rested open atop a wooden lectern bolted to the floor. Set into the wall behind the lectern were eight human skeletons, arranged so that they appeared to be falling and screaming. Lucky saw the book was open to page 4 and 5 of an 8-page book. He read in Infernal “See the lever, clear as day” on page 4. On page 5 was “Spin, spin, iron spider.” Jaquette searched the room and found a secret compartment in the leg of the table. Anna said, “Don’t turn the page.” Jaquette used her thief’s tools and opened the secret compartment.

Jaquette got a glimpse of a lever inside the leg but as soon as the secret compartment opened gravity was reversed. Anna grabbed ahold of her immoveable rod and Jaquette grabbed ahold of the lectern. Tyrena and Lucky both flew up, through the ceiling and into a spinning 8 bladed iron fan. Jaquette pulled the lever and Rolen heard the keyhole open and said, “We’re all good, you can come out now.” Tyrena tried to jam her sword into the fan and broke a couple blades but continued to get sliced by the blade. Lucky took damage and cast fly upon Tyrena. Anna let go of her immovable rod and fell to the ceiling fan, destroying all the remaining blades.

Luigi ran in and grabbed Lucky and ran him out of the room, Monk style. Tyrena grabbed Anna and flew her down to her immoveable rod and then flew out of the room. After a minute the reverse gravity spell ended and Jaquette and Anna walked out of the room. In the main room Rolen was putting skeleton heads into the keyholes and 3 hideous night hags appeared directly behind him reaching for the skeleton heads.

The Sewn Sisters seen by all

Several people quickly downed some healing potions or used their traits to restore some of their health. Jaquette cast mass cure wounds on those who needed it most. Luigi focused in on the one with the sack on the head and started hitting it with the goat staff. Tyrena moved back into a room, protecting Joho. Then Tyrena opened fire on the same hag. Lucky cast cone of cold upon the hags (and Luigi.) Rolen protected the skull and fired a bolt directly into the head of the same hag killing it. Rolen took 2 more shots on the hag with the gold coins on the eyes. Jaquette protected Noface and cast confusion upon one of the hags. The 3rd hag grabbed for the skull in Rolen’s hands but Rolen pulled it away.

Luigi cracked the 2nd hag in the head with his staff, knocking it to the ground dead. The third hag, seeing her 2 sisters dead, begged the party to stop. She told the party “I have information for you.” The party debated for a few moments and Luigi cracked her in the head with the staff. Tyrena held her shot. Lucky went to put shackles on the hag, and she said “No, I will give you information and you will let me go. Swear to me on your immortal soul that I will not be hurt.” Jaquette wanted to kill her and Rolen said, “she is not our main purpose here.” Jaquette began casting a spell and Rolen counter spelled. Jaquette looked at Rolen shocked and appalled. She turned into a bear and charged. Anna cast lightning lure and tried to pull the hag in but the hag resisted. Tyrena continued to hold her action. The hag struck the bear hard enough to turn it back into Jaquette. Luigi ran in and began pummeling the hag near death. Tyrena continued to hold her action and Rollen stepped in and cast force cage around both himself and the hag.

The Hag told Rolen four bits of information and Rolen let her leave to another dimension. Rolen dropped force cage and Luigi cast Etherealness one more time to see if she was still there; She wasn’t. Anna collected some items from the Hags including an Iron ring with 8 keys. Everyone asked what she told Rolen and Rolen told them what he had learned:
  • Destroying the Soulmonger or killing the Atropal will summon Acererak himself.
  • Hidden on this level of the dungeon is a library of lost lore, guarded by an Arcanaloth whose true name is Ygga Raxyg.
  • There is only one way to leave the dungeon: the ebon pool. Charred bones point the way.
  • The Red Trail leads to death.

The Death God’s Nursery

The party debated the length of a rest with Anna and Jaquette wanting to wait until tomorrow morning before they proceed. But the majority wanted to just take a short rest to be sure they save Chipper. Lucky prepared dinner and the party rested for an hour and healed a bit. After the rest, Rolen used the skull keys and the door opened. They looked in and saw crumbling balconies overlooking a pool of lava filling a triangular chamber, above which was suspended an enormous crystal cylinder held in place by three adamantine struts. Wraithlike forms swirled inside the cylinder, and otherworldly screams hung in the air. Four long, writhing tentacles sprouted from the cylinder’s cap. A shriveled monstrosity the size of an elephant floated near the cylinder. Its body was wet and malformed, its arms and legs were atrophied, and its oversized head dripped black goo. The creature was attached to the cylinder by a twisted umbilical cord. Two wraiths hid in the alcoves behind them. Rolen looked around and said, “Where the hell is Artus Cimber?”

Lucky cast a fireball at the Atropal, and it screamed. Luigi gave Strawbundle to Lucky and then ran across the wall to the Western ledge. He looked at the things on the ledge and recognized them as Phylacteries. One of the Wraiths fled from Lucky, the other attacked Tyrena as she passed by. Tyrena shot at the Atropal. Rolen fired his bolts at the Wraith. The Atropal, wounded shot a ray of Cold a Lucky and Lucky evaded it. The Atropal let out a wail, only Tyrena was affected, and she gained 1 level of Exhaustion. Lucky cast destructive wave against the Wraiths and the Atropal.

Focus on the Strut!

Luigi saw that there were 3 struts holding the Soul Monger over the lava and began attacking one of the struts. In response one of the Tentacles reached out and grabbed Luigi, lifted him, and then released him into the lava. Tyrena kept her focus on the Atropal shooting it with her laser rifle. The Atropal wailed again and this time Jaquette, Rolen and Tyrena gained a level of Exhaustion. Anna rapidly punched the Wraith and killed it. Rollen shot several bolts at the Atropal and watched as the necrotic damage healed the Atropal. The Atropal then sucked some life from Anna and healed itself. Jaquette threw her staff down and it turned into a Huge Constrictor snake.

Lucky turned into a Giant Ape and headed towards the Atropal. Luigi started his turn in the lava and took a lot of fire damage. However, being a Monk, he ran across the lava and up the wall, onto the ledge and continued punching the strut until it broke. As a reaction, a tentacle reached for Luigi, but Luigi dodged it. The entire Soulmonger shifted, and everyone realized that breaking one more strut would force this thing into the lava. Tyrena continued to shoot at the Atropal. The Giant Constrictor snake started squeezing the Soulmonger case. Another tentacle swung at the Snake but missed. Anna walked to the strut and began smashing the strut with her adamantine hammer. The Atropal Wailed again. Jaquette gained a 2nd level of exhaustion and Tyrena gained a 3rd.

An exhausting affair

Rolen cast fly on Luigi, Lucky and himself. The Atropal tried to drain the life from Lucky the Ape but the Ape resisted. Jaquette tried to reduce the Atropal in size but it chose to avoid it. Lucky, the Giant Ape swung wildly upon the Atropal, but it had no effect, the Atropal’s negative energy effect broke Lucky’s concentration and the Ape turned back into Lucky. The Flying Luigi struck the Atropal in the head a few more times. The Atropal wailed one more time. Luigi took 1 level of Exhaustion and Tyrena took a 4th. Very Exhausted and weakened, Tyrena took 2 more shots at the Atropal directly into the heart, killing it and it fell into the lava.

Ending the curse!

The giant snake curled tightly around the Soulmonger and continued to crush it. Luigi then looked into the future and saw that the Tentacle of the Soulmonger was going to reach out and grappled the snake. Luigi, prevented it from happening, saving Jaquette’s snake “Tomcat.” Anna continued to smash into the 2nd Adamantine strut. Rolen shuffled with his feet kicking bones from the alcove into the lava and shot 3 bolts into the adamantine strut. The bolts hit the exact same point where Anna had weakened it. The Strut broke free from the ledge. The 3rd strut could not hold the weight of the Soulmonger. Slowly the 3rd strut bent and the Soulmonger fell into the pit of lava. The party saw radiant light burst forth from the lava as the souls were set free and the death curse was broken. Jaquette, happy, used one of her greater restoration beads on Tyrena, reducing her level of exhaustion from 4 to 3. But then, at the far end of the room, a Lich appeared, and he did not look happy…

Rewards Granted

Treasure Found

  • An Iron Ring with 8 keys
  • 3 goblin fingers.
  • 2 Night Hag Heartstones
  • 2 Night Hag Soul bags.
  • A Necklace of children’s teeth.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Destroy the Soulmonger and stop the death curse

Character(s) interacted with

A Nighthag named Peggy Deadbells
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
07 Sep 2021