Session 73: 5 Days to save Chipper part 5 Day 2 Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 73: 5 Days to save Chipper part 5 Day 2 Report

General Summary

Session 73 – Wednesday July 14, 2021 - 5 days to save Chipper part 5 (Day 2)

4.5 Hour Dungeon crawl session. 5:45 PM to 10:15P

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 11th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L13 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King
  • Jaquette Mara – L15 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human – L 8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (remote)
  • Rolen – Human L15 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrus/Tyrena Rechs – Human L12 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Jeter Kaiser – L15 Tiefling Warlock – Spencer Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L14 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson (Currently in Alabama)


  • Destroy the Soulmonger and stop the death curse
  • Get Ring of Winter from Artus Cimber who is in Chult (also going after the Soulmonger)
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

Level 3

The party glanced around looking at the various hallways sprouting off the grand staircase on the 3rd level. They saw a wide hall leading West that had a spiked chain lain across the floor. To the north they saw a short hallway ending with a large Jackal face with large pointy teeth. To the south they saw another hallway that lead to a perpendicular hallway going East-West. On the Northern wall they saw another bronze plaque of Acererak’s warnings that read:
Walk through water with weapon in hand.
Slake your shadow at the font.
The vulture is the first step.
Right the gods.
The walls of history tell all.

A peak at level 4

Looking over the balcony they party saw that there were four four-armed gargoyles sitting atop pedestals on the level below. They saw that the pedestals were each made of different materials, the north was copper, the east was Silver, the south gold and the west platinum. Curious, some of the party walked down the stairs to get a closer look. They walked down to a balcony area but not all the way down to the floor. They could hear a resonant mechanical rumbling emanating from a dark shaft opening in the middle of the chamber’s floor. Four cylindrical stone pedestals surrounded the shaft, each ten feet tall, five feet wide, and featuring a tiny slot in its side. Squatting atop each pedestal was a large four-armed gargoyle.

The party walked around just a little, enough to see a hallway heading east, south, and west. Before they turned around to head back upstairs, they spotted the 4th bronze plaque which read:
Death to fire, dine or drown, precious air, and falling sand.
The army sleeps in silence.
The mirror holds twelve.
Find the iron scepter’s twin.
The maze holds the key.
Walking back up the steps and recalling the journal from Delvin of the Yellow Banner, Rolen pondered about the “Eye” mentioned in the phrase “Our quest was a failure: even if we’d found the Eye, the elf princess was gone.” Rolen recalled a legend about Eye of Zaltec. He told the group, it is rumored that, for centuries, a fist-sized ruby called the Eye of Zaltec surmounted the Great Pyramid in Nexal, capital city of the Maztican Empire. The gem is rumored to be a relic of the cult of Zaltec, and its dagger-like point was plunged into the hearts of countless sacrifices. There are other rumors that the gem may have magical abilities. If it was found, it could be worth about 5,000 gp and maybe several times that if sold at auction in a major city.

Back to exploring level 3

The party went back to level 3 and began looking at all their options. They decided to not tempt the spiked chain to the east. Luigi looked at the Jackal’s mouth and called it a “nope hole.” Tyrena guided the party south. At the end of the southern hall they found the passageway went east and west. The Western hall only went about 15 feet and there was a narrow crawlway that lead north. The Eastern hall lead to a larger hall that headed north, and it too had a crawlway leading east.

Most of the party headed east while Anna examined the crawlway to the west. Crawling in the hole she found the way blocked by a snarling minotaur etched into a sheet of iron that bisected the crawlway. Its eyes had been cut out, letting her see through the sheet, beyond which the tunnel continued onward.

The Reflected Hall

The rest of the party went east and found still puddles of water covering the floor of a fifteen-foot-wide hallway that lead north. The walls were slick with moisture and set with murals showing animal-headed humanoids in armor, most of which appeared to brandish real weapons hanging on the walls. A three-foot-high crawlway in the east wall was flush with the floor. At the far end of the hall, a rippling, transparent curtain of water filled a stone archway. Beyond the curtain, they saw another hallway that looked similar to the one in which they stood.

The tarnished weapons hanging on the walls were in poor condition and held in place with hooks to make it appear as though the painted warriors were holding them. Twelve painted figures lined each hall, six on the west wall and six on the east wall, directly across from one another. Figures on facing walls were perfect reflections of each other. From south to north, the warriors and weapons in this hall were as follows:
  • Stork-headed males with handaxes
  • Lizard-headed females with maces
  • Panther-headed males with blowguns
  • Unarmed hawk-headed females
  • Goat-headed males with sickles
  • Frog-headed females with tridents
Between the legs of the eastern hawk, Jeter found a short plinth bearing a crystal eyeball 1 inch in diameter, pale purple. Luigi picked it up and handed it to Anna.

A safe space

Luigi crawled into the crawlway that headed east (between the legs of the Eastern Stork.) Crawling East for 30 feet and then south for 15, he came to a small room that clearly hadn’t been used for quite some time. It seemed like a safe space to rest. He saw another crawlway heading further south and then turning east but decided to crawl back to the party to tell the others what he had found.

Getting through the curtain.

The party each took a different weapon from the creatures on the wall and tried to walk through the curtain. Tyrena, carrying the axe, went first. As soon as she touched the curtain, a massive wall of water pushed back and flooded the hallway knocking most of the party down. Tyrena, being very strong, was able to resist the force of the water and forced her way through the curtain. She saw the room was identical but just in reverse. Jaquette, holding the Trident walked through the curtain with no issues. The others tried various weapons and after several failures and some bruises, realized only the Tridents work. Once through, Anna saw a plinth holding a Bright green crystal eyeball and she took the eyeball.

Another crawlway

At the northern end of the room the hallway continued west and then north. There was another crawlway to the east and Luigi wanted to go check it out. Luigi spotted a narrow seam in the stonework where the tunnel turned north. He crawled into the north-south section and after 15 feet there was a click and the tunnel quickly turned 90 degrees and lowered by 5 feet. Luigi was sealed in an air-tight tunnel.

Everyone heard Luigi muffled in the tunnel. Jaquette crawled in after him with Jeter just behind her. Jaquette turned the corner to the north-south section and saw a skeletal remains in the middle of the section. She went in to examine them. Jeter at the corner saw the seam. He stopped and called to Jaquette. There was a click as Jaquette reached the center and the section rotated 90 degrees and raised up 5 feet. Jeter saw Luigi in the tunnel who said, “Thank you for a rescuing me.” Jaquette was trapped in darkness and freaking out a bit, she turned into a bat.

Luigi moved back and forth in the passageway until he was able to trigger the trap again. The tunnel spun 90 degrees and lowered 5 feet trapping Luigi again. The bat flew out of the tunnel and back to the rest of the party. Jeter and Rolen saw the skeleton and using mage hand they removed the skeleton bone by bone and everything it was carrying. Including a +1 Yklwa, a dungeoneer’s pack, a pouch containing 8gp, an ivory back scratcher shaped like a dinosaur claw worth 25gp, a holy symbol of Bahamut worth 25 gp and a red crystal eyeball. Rolen recognized the outfit as that of a Paladin and wondered if it might be the body of Eustice Thornhall, the adopted son of Gildon.

Jeter took a patch of a riding horse from his robe of useful items and tossed it to the center of the tube where it immediately turned into a horse that was completely stuck in the center of the tube. The horse looked panicked as Jeter and Rolen watched the tube rotate and raised 5 feet entrapping the horse. Luigi was prepared this time and had tied together three 25lb hunting traps at one end of the tunnel and held onto the rope at the other. As the horse raised the trap, Luigi was freed and was at the northern end of the tunnel. He pulled the rope moving the traps to the center where they triggered the trap and the pipes turned and lowered 5 feet. Luigi then saw his way back was blocked by a very scared and stuck horse who looked at him pleadingly. Jaquette (as a bat) flew back down the tunnel where Jeter and Rolen were snickering and saw the Horse filling the crawlway. Luigi followed the crawlway north and saw that it went west and then south again.

Meanwhile, Tyrena and Anna.

While the others were stuffing a horse in a crawlway, Tyrena and Anna followed the hallway to the north. They walked past a door heading East and then the hall turned West and came to an end. In the north there was another crawlway. The corridor ended at a block of stone on which was painted a seven-foot-tall jackal-headed humanoid. All around the figure were carvings of locusts. Just to the south Anna spotted a hole in the wall and peering through it she saw a magnified section of a Gold medallion that was embedded on the wall. The peephole seemed to focus on a Vulture. Tyrena recalled Acererak’s sign that said, “The vulture is the first step.” Tyrena examined the door and saw that one of the locusts was sticking out more than the others. She pushed it in, and the door sunk into the floor.

As the slab sunk into the floor, Tyrena saw another tomb. Four torches illuminated stone sphinxes crouched in the corners of a fifteen-foot-high room. The torches cast flickering light across hieroglyphs carved into the tiled floor. At the center of the room, a gold-inlaid funeral barge stood atop a three-foot-tall stone dais. Resting on the deck of the barge was a small golden sarcophagus decorated with horned rabbits. A dark shaft opened in the ceiling directly above the barge, while to the south, a corridor was visible through a set of fangs carved into the wall. The very clean skeleton of a dwarf sprawled on the floor east of the barge, clad in a tattered yellow turban and dusty chain mail, and clutching a bronze shield.

Tyrena saw that the vulture was the first hieroglyph on the floor, so she stepped on it. She searched the dwarf and found the turban was set with a peridot gemstone (500 gp). She also found a nonmagical shield and a belt pouch containing a 500 gp diamond (the material component of a raise dead spell) and two 1-inch-diameter crystal eyeballs — one dark blue and one vibrant purple. Anna saw the medallion turned and brought into view a hieroglyph of a serpent. She also found herself able to communicate clearly with Tyrena as if they were standing right next to each other. Tyrena stepped safely onto the snake. With each step Tyrena took, Anna saw the medallion reveal the next step she should take, and Anna communicated it. Twice Tyrena had to choose between two identical hieroglyphs but she made it safely to the center dais.

I’jin’s Sarcophagus

Tyrena walked up the dais to the small golden sarcophagus. She estimated that it would be worth about 7,500 gp intact and that it weighed about 75lbs. She opened it easily and saw the skeleton of a rabbit with a horn. She collected the bones and the horn. As soon as she touched the horn streamers of light emanated from the tip of the horn. As they swirled around her, they formed into a spectral rabbit with a single horn on its brow. A female voice whispered to Tyrena, “Quick, quick, let me in! We must stop Acererak!” Tyrena said, “No, I have enough inside already, thank you.” However, the spirt of the Rabbit entered her anyway.

Tyrena lifted the Sarcophagus (without breaking a sweat) and put it into the portable hole. As soon as she did so, four walls of force surrounded the Dias and Tyrena couldn’t leave. She looked up and saw a black hole. Tyrena took out a piece of chalk and wrote on the wall of force “I’m stuck.”

Rescuing Tyrena (and the horse)

Jaquette (as a bat) flapped her wings angrily seeing the horse stuck in the crawlway. Jeter and Rolen looked at each other, shrugged, told Luigi to find another path, and then walked away cavalierly. Jaquette reverted to her normal form and then cast polymorph on the horse and turned it into a chicken and carried it out of the crawlway.

The rest of the party followed their respective paths and met Anna outside I’Jin’s tomb where they all saw Tyrena’s predicament. Recalling some advanced Arcana, Luigi informed the others that the walls could be disintegrated. Luigi and Rolen went back up to Level 2 and into the room with the Devil’s face in the floor that opened into darkness. They heard faint echoes and screams of torment emanating from the darkness. Assuming this is the same magical darkness as in I’ljin’s tomb, they lowered a rope into the black hole that was the Devil’s mouth. Tyrena saw the rope appear and climbed up through the darkness and climbed out into the room with Rolen and Luigi. Rolen retrieved his rope and they returned to the rest of the party.

Me and my shadow

The party met back at the door they had passed just south of the entry to I’jin’s tomb. Anna opened the door and saw a small chamber containing a stone font filled with a steaming green liquid. Beyond the font, a shadowy figure stood at an open door on the far side of the room. The figure’s back was toward Anna. Anna walked forward and the figure walked forward. Anna noticed that the shadow did whatever she did. She stepped back until the shadow was at the font and mimed drinking. The shadow drank all the liquid from the font. Anna moved forward and found an incandescent orange crystal at the bottom of the font and took it.

A large room with floating platforms.

The party went to the southern end of the watery hallway and then into the crawlway that Luigi had previously found that lead to a safe space. Jaquette opted to stay in the hallway with the chicken that would soon be a horse. Tyrena, Luigi, Jeter, Rolen and Anna followed the crawlway through the safe space and then southwest to a very large room. They saw two balconies face each other over a vast pit. Between the balconies hovered five wooden platforms, each one a disk ten feet across. A single torch burned above each balcony. On the east balcony stood a rough-hewn, fifteen-foot-tall statue of a hulking fiend with furled wings and clenched fists. Set into the wall on the west balcony was a rusty lever in the up position.

Anna attempted to jump from the balcony to the nearest floating disk 10 feet away. She activated the immovable rod and tried to use that as a swinging point but didn’t quite have the strength to get the momentum she had hoped for. Jeter pulled out another patch from his robe and produced a 12-foot ladder. The ladder extended from the railing to the first platform allowing Anna to grab her immoveable rod and cross the ladder to the platform and then continue to use the ladder to make her way across the rooms.

Tyrena tied a rope to the balcony and then climbed down to the floor 60 feet below. She walked to the other side and was able to scale the masonry work and climb to the Western balcony. As Tyrena made it up to the balcony Luigi dashed across the wall to the western balcony. Tyrena pulled the lever.

Winds of Pandemonium

As Tyrena pulled the lever, Rolen saw the fists of the statue open revealing two crystal eyeballs, one pearly white and the other scarlet. At the same time the sounds of winds filled the room driving everyone who was not on a platform a bit mad. Rolen was able to resist the madness but Tyrena fell unconscious. Luigi started hallucinating and Jeter began weeping uncontrollably.

After a minute, Jeter settled down, Tyrena came to and the world came into focus for Luigi. Tyrena reached for the lever and Luigi slapped her hand away. This resulted in another wave of madness overcoming Tyrena, Luigi and Jeter. Rolen was able to resist again. Luigi and Tyrena began fighting each other and Jeter began screaming! Rolen looked at the situation and said, “This is too risky” and left the room. Luigi and Tyrena began beating each other up rather seriously. Anna tired to distract them by throwing knives at them and then throwing a knife at the lever. Luigi punched Tyrena and then ran up the wall, across the ceiling and dropped down behind Anna. With Anna in between

Luigi and Tyrena, they both focused their attention on attacking Anna. Tyrena attacked with her bow and Luigi with his punches. Tyrena reached over and pulled the lever down. Anna tried to evade Luigi’s punches and catch Tyrena’s arrows as much as she could. Anna used the ladder to get to the next platform and Luigi fired a firebolt at her. Luigi then pulled out his blow gun and fired a sleeping dart at Anna. Anna fell unconscious and fell off the platform out of sight to the pit 60 feet below.

With Anna gone, Tyrena and Luigi continued to attack each other. Jeter continued to scream. Jaquette, after hearing all the commotion, crawled past Rolen and into the large room. As Jaquette entered the room, Tyrena and Luigi stopped attacking each other and realized what they had done. Jeter saw Anna on the floor and ran down the wall to get her. Jaquette left the horse (now named Willow) and joined him and gave Anna one of her superior healing potions. Luigi, thinking he may have killed Anna, cast “disguise self” and appeared as Rolen.

Jaquette tried to wake up anna and found the dart sticking out of her neck. She was able to wake Anna and brought her to the rope hanging down. Everyone left the room and made their way back to the safe room. Rolen saw Luigi (disguised as Rolen) walk into the room and invisibly snuck behind Luigi thinking him to be a doppelganger. Luigi dropped his disguise and said, “It’s a me, Luigi” and quickly cast a minor illusion of spaghetti and meatballs convincing Rolen. The party took a short rest.

Rewards Granted

Treasure found

  • Purple crystal eyeball.
  • Bright green crystal eyeball.
  • Red Crystal eyeball
  • Dark blue crystal eyeball
  • Vibrant purple crystal eyeball
  • Incandescent orange crystal eyeball
  • Pearly white crystal eyeball
  • Scarlet crystal eyeball
  • +1 yklwa
  • Dungeoneer’s pack
  • A pouch containing 8gp.
  • An ivory back scratcher shaped like a dinosaur claw (25gp)
  • Holy symbol of Bahamut (25gp)
  • Peridot gemstone (500gp)
  • Belt pouch containing a 500gp diamond
  • A Bronze Shield
  • Gold sarcophagus (7,500gp)
  • Horn of I’jin (wand of wonder)
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
17 Jul 2021