Session 72: 5 Days to save Chipper part 4 Day 2 Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 72: 5 Days to save Chipper part 4 Day 2 Report

General Summary

Session 72 – Wednesday July 7, 2021 - 5 days to save Chipper part 4 (Day 2)

  4.5 Hour Dungeoncrawl session. 5:30 PM to 10:00P

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 11th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L13 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King
  • Jaquette Mara – L15 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human – L 8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (remote)
  • Rolen – Human L15 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrus/Tyrena Rechs – Human L12 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Jeter Kaiser – L15 Tiefling Warlock – Spencer Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L14 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson (Currently In Alabama)


  • Destroy the Soulmonger and stop the death curse
  • Get Ring of Winter from Artus Cimber who is in Chult (also going after the Soulmonger)
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

Secret hallway

After discovering a secret door, Jeter opened the door revealing three archways overlooking a circular chamber where a spiral staircase descended into darkness. The staircase walls were lined with unlit torches in iron sconces and set with niches containing moldering humanoid skulls and bones. From the circular stairs they saw a door in the north and another in the West. Jeter opened the door to the west.

Candles dimly illuminated a cluttered office. A skeletal songbird rasped at them from a filthy cage in one corner. Other furnishing included a wooden writing desk and a tall-backed chair. Anatomical drawings sketched in charcoal hung on the wall behind the desk. Seated in the chair was the shriveled corpse of a humanoid wearing moldy robes and a bronze mask sculpted to look like a frowning visage. Around the figure’s neck hung a black skull-shaped amulet, and a number of severed hands crawled on the desk and floor around him


He greeted the party very kindly “People! From the outside! Come in let me look at you!” He introduced himself as “Mr. Withers” or just “Withers.” He asked everyone for details of Chult and their homeland as he took notes. The creeping hands freaked out the group a bit. He told them not to worry about it as they were all under his control. Withers explained that “the Great Acererak” had granted him eternal life so that he can eternally learn new things. After several minutes of conversation, Withers said, “It’s been a pleasure, it’s a shame I have to kill you” and he started to wave his hands as if casting a spell.

The party was very quick to act. Jaquette used the wand of web to cast web all over the floor attempting to restrain just about everything in the room. Luigi used his inspiration to get out of the webs and took his staff and smacked Withers upside his head a few times and stunned him. Rolen cast cone of cold into the room and Luigi manipulated the fabric of fate to so that Withers failed his save. 5 of the 7 crawling claws were turned into frozen pops and Anna and Jeter took some cold damage. Anna destroyed one of the claws, but she remained restrained in the webs. Jeter cast mind sliver on Withers. Jaquette tried poison spray him but it had no effect. Luigi continued to pummel Withers with his staff attempting to knock him unconscious and with a final blow between his legs, knocked Withers down. Rolen used Chill Touch to squash the last remaining Crawling Claw.

Withers’ office

Anna searched the room for any secret passages and found none. Jeter took the Amulet of the Black Skull from around Withers’ neck and had Anna identify it. Searching the room, they also found a Scholar’s pack, a Manual of Clay Golems, and a spell book (See Rewards Granted below.) Rolen shackled Withers and Luigi searched him. Luigi then created a “Demiplane” that the Order dubbed the “Smoking lounge.” They moved the contents of Withers’ office into the Smoking lounge. Jeter went to move the birdcage with the skeletal bird into the smoking lounge but Jaquette took the bird out of the cage and beat it to death with her staff. Anna completed the identify spell on the Amulet of the Black Skull and explained that using it can have detrimental effects, but it can teleport someone up to 100 feet within the Tomb of the 9 gods.

They woke up Withers and he was not very willing to talk anymore, but he did say that he liked Luigi’s hands. They asked who “Khomara Blackfire” was but Withers didn’t tell. Anna chopped off Withers’ hands and he said “ouch.” After realizing that there was nothing more he would divulge, Anna chopped off Withers’ head and they put it in Rolen’s bag. Rolen glanced through the journal while Luigi cast detect magic and Anna cast comprehend languages. They read in the Journal:
“The master returns with a marvelous gift: a cast-off creation of the gods, dead and yet not. The All-Seeing is blind to its existence, and the Mother of Illusions looks past it! Sweet irony. The master hopes to raise the creature to power by glutting it on souls. The master has brought the Sewn Sisters here to nurse it, and to help build the device needed to feed it. As for me, I am only saddened that my studies shall one day come to an end. I owe the master much for the time he has given me! I can only work harder in the little time that remains for this world!”

Forge of the Tomb Dwarves

The party went back into the hall and headed to the north door. Anna walked up to the door and kicked the door open. They saw old wooden benches and shelves along the walls of the chamber that were covered with gears, chains, trap components, and cages filled with rats. Lit iron braziers hung by chains from the ceiling. Along the north wall, a stepped dais was set with a bulky contraption: an iron maiden of sorts, attached to a network of steaming pistons, tubes, and bubbling vats of blood. Three masked dwarves were operating the contraption and two others were working at the tables in the middle of the room. Bursting in the door seemed to startle the dwarves. At the same time the Iron maiden type contraption at the front of the room opened revealing a Flesh Golem with a familiar very hairy leg exposed under its plate mail. The creature let out a loud roar and started angrily towards the party.

Seeing this terror, Luigi slid under Anna and darted into the room and started to bash the 2 dwarves in the front with his staff and then released a flurry of blows. The dwarves in the back moved forward and fired their crossbows. Anna grabbed one of the bolts and threw it back at the dwarves. The dwarves seemed to concentrate their fire on Anna and Luigi, but they continued to deflect their blows. Jeter tried to dominate the Golem, but the attempt failed. Tyrena sauntered into the room and with her great sword and beheaded one of the dwarves and killed another with her laser rifle. After catching the head in his bag of heads, Rolen then cast ice storm in the room. Jaquette used her wand of web again to try to restrain the Golem, a dwarf and Anna.

Luigi continued to attack with his staff and broke the neck of one of the Dwarves. Jeter cast lightning bolt on the dwarf and the Golem. However, the Golem seemed to be completely healed by this attack. After the attack a quadrone appeared right next to Jeter. Tyrena took a couple shots at the Golem. Rolen used one of the stars from his robe to cast magic missiles at the Golem. Anna continued to pound on the Golem and stunned it. Luigi pummeled a dwarf in the head with his staff killing him. The Modron, not knowing why it’s here suddenly, turned and punched Jeter in the face. Jeter cast Mind Sliver on it. Tyrena targeted the last dwarf with her laser rifle and took it out with 1 shot through the chest and the 2nd to the forehead. Rolen took out the quadrone with his crossbow. Anna finished off the Flesh golem by first sweeping its legs and then smashing its head down into its chest.

Scavenging the remains

Rolen took out 2 ruby vials and filled them with blood from the vat. Jeter noticed there were a set of stairs in the room going up and went to check it out. Tyrena searched the bodies and found nothing special on them and then collected a set of Artisan’s tools from the tables. Rolen collected a set of Mason’s tools. Anna found a Ghost Lantern containing the spirit of a female moon elf known as the Starfallen. Luigi had a conversation with the Starfallen discovered that she doesn’t remember much but she seemed friendly.

Going up the stairs, Jeter discovered a secret door. The party went up the stairs and found themselves back on level 1 between Obo’laka’s Tomb and the Rusty iron knight. Rolen (invisibly) went and opened the secret door to Obo’laka’s Tomb wanting to retrieve Obo’laka’s bones. Anna put on the one of the masks and went into the room and found that everything was reset. Anna opened the tomb and Rolen was able to get Obo’laka’s bones.

Descent to level 3.

The party regrouped and then went back to the grand stairwell and walked down to level 3. They noticed 2 things; First, they noticed that there was a strange purple mold growing along the floors, walls, and ceilings. The 2nd thing they noticed was a plaque just to the north that read:  
Walk through water with weapon in hand.
Slake your shadow at the font.
The vulture is the first step.
Right the gods.
The walls of history tell all.
  Looking over the railing they saw four large 4-armed gargoyles on the level below with a bit of wine on the floor. They saw that the floor on the level below had a 10’ X 10’ hole in its center. Jaquette began examining the purple mold and spotted a tiny eyeball that seemed to appear and then disappear.

Rewards Granted

  • Jeter: Amulet of the Black Skull
  • Anna: Scholar’s pack
  • Rolen: Manual of Golems (Clay)
  • Anna: Wither’s Spell book containing:
1st level: absorb elements, detect magic, expeditious retreat, feather fall, thunderwave
2nd level: darkness, hold person, rope trick
3rd level: counterspell, dispel magic, lightning bolt
4th level: blight, wall of fire
5th level: telekinesis
On the inside back cover of the spell book is also written: Khomara Blackfire
  • A Bronze mask worth 25gp
  • A translucent fist-sized black stone.
  • Tyrena: Artisan’s tools
  • Rolen: Mason’s tools
  • Anna: Ghost Lantern containing the spirit of a female moon elf known as the Starfallen.
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
09 Jul 2021