Session 71: 5 Days to save Chipper part 3 Day 2 Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 71: 5 Days to save Chipper part 3 Day 2 Report

General Summary

Session 71 – Wednesday June 30, 2021 - 5 days to save Chipper part 3

  4.5 Hour Dungeoncrawl session. 5:30 PM to 10:00P

Party of 7 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 11th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L13 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King
  • Jaquette Mara – L15 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L14 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human – L 8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Rolen – Human L15 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi (Absent)
  • Tyrus/Tyrena Rechs – Human L12 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda (Absent)
  • Jeter Kaiser – L15 Tiefling Warlock – Spencer Armstrong


  • Destroy the Soulmonger and stop the death curse
  • Get Ring of Winter from Artus Cimber who is in Chult (also going after the Soulmonger)
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

Nangnang’s Tomb

Now that the tomb of wine was drained, Luigi on the prime plane) investigated the Gargoyle face from where the wine came and found a passageway leading to the south. Jeter called back to Anna and Rolen to get the others and come on in. Rolen and anna thought it best just to come in. Jaquette, Lucky and Tyrena remained in the same tomb in the alternate dimension. Luigi followed shortly by Jeter found another tomb where the air reeked of sulfur and brimstone. On the floor of the chamber, a pentagram traced in salt surrounded an ornate sarcophagus, its lid covered with figurines of prancing frog-like humanoids. Rolen came in and immediately grabbed a bag of salt and began adding more salt to the rim of the circle. Anna went over and kicked the salt breaking the circle.

The party began arguing with Anna and were suddenly targeted by a fireball cast a formerly invisible black Slaad. Luigi rushed in and began punching the Slaad. Jeter cast wall of stone bisecting the room from east to west and leaving only 2 feet of space between the top of the wall and the ceiling. Seeing the Slaad was isolated, Rolen gathered some salt back into his bag. Anna and Jeter tried to open the tomb while the Slaad’s head appeared over the wall and slowly disappeared behind the wall. Luigi gathered the tiny figurines from the top of the sarcophagus. The Slaad made some sort of sound of frustration.

Nangnang’s Treasure

Luigi helped Anna and Jeter and opened the sarcophagus. Luigi used his Tongue of the Sun and Moon feature and communicated with the Slaad. Luigi heard the Slaad say “That didn’t work” and then swear. The Slaad then said, “They will pay.” Luigi asked its name and the Slaad replied “Gramble.” Opening the chest, they found A potion of supreme healing, a petrified egg and an Urn. Anna touched the urn and then started to dance irresistibly and began to take psychic damage every round. Jeter picked up the potion of supreme healing and the egg. As soon as Jeter touched the egg, a tendril of slime rose from its surface and transformed into a frog-like head that bobbed toward Jeter. A croaking voice sounded out in his mind: “Nangnang will help you now.” Jeter tried to resist but failed.

Jeter told the group that Nangnag is inside of him and showed them how he can walk on walls. The Slaad peered over the wall and looked at the Dancing Anna and tried to cast fireball but Anna counter spelled it. Luigi asked the Slaad “Who do you serve?” The Slaad responded “Whoever has my gem.”

Nangnang’s Alternate Tomb

Anna was able to end the dance curse and they joined Jaquette, Tyrena and Lucky in the alternate dimension. Luigi suggested that they examine the wine room in the alternate dimension to see if it leads to another pentagram room. Working together they cracked open the jaws of one of the gargoyles in the wine room and released the wine. It flooded the room and quickly flowed down the hall.

Luigi crawled into the narrow passage that did lead to a 2nd Nangnang tomb and with his lantern of revealing, he saw an invisible death Slaad standing in the pentagram. Luigi spoke to the Slaad named Grieful and found he wanted his gem also. Luigi went and got Jeter to cast his wall again. The whole party came back and discussed what to do. Jaquette wanted to try Dispel Magic and Jeter said, “Perhaps not here.”

Luigi tried to get the Slaad go to the back of the room by minor illusioning a black gem. The Slaad didn’t fall for it. Lucky joined in on the act and walked to the back of the room pointing out the gem. The Slaad went to the back of the room with Lucky and Jeter cast another wall of stone isolating Lucky and the Slaad but leaving 2 feet of space along the top of the wall. Lucky walked up the wall and back to the party. Luigi entered the pentagram and went to the coffin and gathered the figurines of prancing frog-like humanoids. The Slaad cast fireball on the party, yet they ignored him. They opened the sarcophagus. Jaquette took the potion of supreme healing. Luigi, using mage hand, took the urn.

Anna had told her cat Lucky to go up to the first level (in the alternate dimension) and look for the exit. Lucky (the cat) came back and Anna understood the exit door was closed. Luigi went back and peered into the room with the pentagram with the light of revealing. The Slaad was no longer there. Luigi walked around a bit on the 2nd level in the alternate dimension and found everything identical to the first.

Square head skeleton

The whole party went back to the original dimension and saw a skeleton with a stone square run into the tomb of wine. Luigi ran over to the skeleton, knocked it prone and then held it down. Anna cast sleep on it. Jaquette used the wand of web to keep the skeleton attached to the ground and then they slapped it awake. Luigi tried to talk to it but quickly realized skeletons can’t talk. Anna chopped it’s head off and put it in Rolen’s handy bag of heads.

Luigi decided to get rid of the urn and Anna took up a stance at the end of the hallway holding the mace as if she was waiting for Luigi to pitch her a baseball. Luigi took the queue and threw the cursed urn towards Anna. Anna swung perfectly and the vase was obliterated into tiny bits spraying all over her. Anna began dancing again and started taking psychic damage again. Jaquette cast Protection from Good and Evil on Anna and Lucky gave her bardic inspiration which allowed Anna to break the curse once more. Anna took one of her potions of greater healing and Jaquette cast cure wounds on Jeter.

Zombie door

Anna led the party towards a door on the southern side of the grand staircase. Three oval holes were carved into a nine-foot-wide, nine-foot-high stone door at human head height. As she approached, three zombie heads stick out of the holes, each covered in putrid flesh and gnashing on an iron bit bolted to a chain bridle. Jeter reminded the party “The dead abhor sunlight” but Jaquette only had an 8th level spell that could cast sunlight. Anna walked up and punched the zombie in the middle and stunned it. Anna then grabbed the bit from its mouth and pulled on it and then put an immoveable rod in the bit to keep it from going back. Anna then punched the center zombie until its head popped off.

Jeter peered through the now empty hole into the room and saw a chariot in the center of the room and a bronze sarcophagus. Jeter then cast telekinesis on the zombies and pushed the zombies away from the door and as he did this the chains attached to the zombies pulled a pully and opened the door. Anna put the immoveable rod under the raised door. Jeter did a quick puppet show with the zombies and then smashed them into the walls.

Papazotl’s Tomb

Anna went into the room first and saw six glass cauldrons brimming with humanoid bones lining the walls of the tomb. At the center of the tomb stood an ancient chariot bearing a bronze sarcophagus with treasure strewn atop it. Paintings on the chariot’s body showed a tall bird with a long, sharp beak. On the south wall, a bronze shield bore the embossed image of a Chultan warrior carrying a spear, below an inscription that read, “Bow before no one.” Four bronze statues stood on pedestals to either side of the shield. They depicted Chultan warriors: one holding a sword, two with spears, and one missing its face. Strewn atop the sarcophagus was a gold torc, 3 gold cups, 5 gold cloak pins and an amulet of health. Anna immediately walked in and took that amulet of health.

As soon as Anna touched the amulet, strange shadows shifted across the walls, forming the outline of a long-legged bird. Its beak stabbed at Anna as a voice echoes through her mind: “You will do as I command!” Anna said “Sure.”

Guardians of the tomb

Simultaneously, when Anna grabbed the amulet, 2 skeletons crawled out of each of the glass cauldrons (12 total) and the hunter embossed on the shield began looking around the room with a spear in its hand. Anna used her mace of terror and frightened all the Skeletons. Lucky cast destructive wave and destroyed the 12 skeletons and at the same time he shrunk 7 inches to height of 2’-5”. Six more skeletons crawled out of the glass cauldrons and ran towards Anna trying to attack her.

Rolen yelled out “I suggest someone should go bow as the god intended; Bow before no one” as he pointed to the statue with no face. The shield threw a bronze spear of force at anna and struck her. Jeter cast confusion on the 6 skeletons and then bowed to the faceless statue. Luigi jumped off the sarcophagus and with his feet killed one of the skeletons and damaged 2 others and then bowed before the faceless statue. Jaquette called forth her healing spirit allowing Anna to heal and then Jaquette too bowed before the faceless god. Anna gripped her adamantine war hammer and after doing a backflip off the sarcophagus, struck the shield, but it did no damage. Lucky pulled out his haunting pipe and frightened the skeletons. Al destroyed one of the skeletons with a firebolt.

Rolen pulled out his crossbow and shot at the 2 leather straps holding the shield. The shield fell to the ground, face down. Jeter made a subtle croaking sound and grabbed the treasure from the top of the sarcophagus. Luigi punched 2 of the skeletons to death. Anna used her bracer of flying daggers and killed the last skeleton. Working together they opened the sarcophagus and inside they saw brittle dusty bones of a long-legged bird. Rolen wrapped up the bones in a cloth and put them in his backpack.

Scrying Pool

Anna found a secret door near the grand staircase and opened it. Behind the secret door they found a carved stone font filled with water. They walked into the small room and gazed into the pool. The water began to swirl, and an eerie light emanated from the basin. Slowly, an image resolved on the water’s surface. They seemed to be peering through the eyes of a creature walking some unknown part of the tomb. They saw the creature walk past by 4 four-armed gargoyles and then down a hallway towards a stone face of a bearded demon. Looking to the right they were able to view a set of stairs going up. Jeter said, “Turn around” and the creature seemed to turn around and stop. Jeter said, “look at your hands” and a pair of hand came jutting out of the water.

A Tomb Guardian

Jeter jumped and Jaquette peed her pants as a hideous flesh golem wearing plate male came forth from the font surprising the party. Anna however was not surprised and hit the golem with her hammer, stunning it. Anna whaled on it with her hammer several times. The Golem tried to attack Anna but couldn’t. Luigi hit it with his staff, and the creature started screaming in a rage. Luigi continued to pound it with a flurry of blows and then ripped out its throat. He saw that the throat was hairy. Luigi removed the helm from the Flesh Golem and saw that the left side of the golems face was that of the goat man they saw the day before. Half of its face was sewn to another humanoid face.

Luigi laid the body against the Western wall and discovered a secret door heading west. Lucky looked at Luigi’s arms and noticed the thick hair growing on his arms and chest. Luigi felt his head and felt two very small bumps on his head. The party took a short rest and ate lunch.

Rewards Granted

  • Lugi: 24 cute painted wooden statuettes depicting grunges.
  • Jeter: Potion of Supreme healing from Nangnang’s tomb
  • Jeter: Nangnang’s egg (pearl of power +)
  • Jaquette Potion of Supreme healing from Nangnag’s alternate tomb.
  • Anna: Papazotl’s Amulet of health
  • Jeter: a gold torc (250 gp), three gold cups (75 gp each), five gold cloak pins (25 gp each)


Wounded PCs:

  • AL:  38/66
  • Jaquette 125/128
  • Rolen 62/104
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
05 Jul 2021