Session 69: 5 days to Save Chipper part 1 Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 69: 5 days to Save Chipper part 1 Report

General Summary

Session 68 – Wednesday June 2, 2021

4 Hour Roleplay session. 6:00 PM to 10:00P

Party of 7 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 10th day of the month of Uktar (The Rotting) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Luigi Risotto – Wood Elf L13 Monk/L2 Wizard – Dan King
  • Jaquette Mara – L15 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L14 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human – L 8 Monk – L5 Wizard /L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Rolen – Human L15 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi (Absent)
  • Tyrus/Tyrena Rechs – Human L12 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda (Absent)
  • Jeter Kaiser – L15 Tiefling Warlock – Spencer Armstrong


  • Destroy the Soulmonger and stop the death curse
  • Get Ring of Winter from Artus Cimber who is in Chult (also going after the Soulmonger
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Locate the Amber Sarcophagi and destroy them with the god Destroyer
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

Arrival in Chult

The party arrived in a very hot and humid wood and straw room with a bamboo floor. Lucky started vomiting immediately upon arrival and his scar was noticeably larger. The Order of Heroes were greeted by a tall red-haired man named Fred Wheezy . They explained that Syndra Sylvane  sent them. Fred welcomed them. Jandar joined the party shortly thereafter but he appeared looking very different. Fred opened his shop to the party, and they went on a short shopping spree stocking up on healing kits, healing potions and various other items.

They met 2 colorful characters named Wakanga O’tamu and Baron Samedi . Wakanga told the party they are going to Omu and explained the history of the gods of Chult . He went into great detail of the nine Trickster gods of Omu . After explaining their origins and how they came to be worshiped and why some don’t get along with the others, he explained that Acererak The Lich  killed them. Wakanga told the party that Acererak had the people of Omu build a tomb for the nine gods and there Acererak entombed the spirits of the nine gods. He then handed the party 9 stone cubes each with a carving of the animal form the gods. Wakanga told the party that they will need the stones to get into the tomb of the nine gods as this is where Artus Cimber and the other parties went to stop the death curse.

The party discussed the various happenings while Rolen was away and brought him up to speed. Jaquette used a prayer bead to cure Anna of her exhaustion and spilled her water flask all over the table and Anna. The Barron opened a portal in a large tree and the party walked through and found themselves deep in the Jungles of Chult.

Acererak’s Warning

The party found themselves in a jungle valley at the base of a cliff. The Barron directed them to a stone obelisk covered with vines. The party removed the vines and read:
Fear the night when the forsaken one seizes death’s mantle and the seas dry up and the dead rise and I, Acererak the Eternal, reap the world of the living. Those who dare enter take heed:
The enemies oppose.
One stands between them.
In darkness, it hides.
Don the mask or be seen.
Speak no truth to the doomed child.
The keys turn on the inside only.
  Luigi looked around and saw 3 stone gargoyles faded and staring at the Obelisk. The party saw a Short tunnel of worked stone that ended with a stone slab at the far end. Four lines engraved at the center of the slab crossed one another to form a star, with both ends of each line marking the location of a cube-shaped cavity cut into the door — eight cavities in all. They also spotted a second, smaller tunnel burrowing into the base of the cliff to the east. Jaquette spotted a trail to the west and she, Tyrena and Jeter went to examine it. Lucky sent Bitey into the woods to hunt and then he cast telepathic bond so everyone could talk to each other.

Rolen reasoned that the stone cubes of the gods they have would fit perfectly into the 8 cube cavities in the door. He also reasoned (from the clues on the obelisk) that they could place the opposing god cubes opposite of each other. Jeter informed Rolen they found another massive stone slab with nine cube-shaped cavities arranged in three rows of three on the door.

Gallery of Tricksters

Anna meandered on her own down the east tunnel in the cliff. She found alcoves running the length of a narrow tunnel, each one featuring a bestial statue (representing each of the nine trickster gods) standing or squatting above a basin of oil. Each pair of opposing gods were facing each other. At the end she discovered a secret door and opened it discovering a statue of Unkh with a golden pendant shaped like an eye hanging on the Unkh statue. Anna cast detect magic on the pendant and saw an aura of divination magic, she then cast identify on the amulet. Realizing the pendant may be helpful she just grabbed it and put it on and then headed back to join the others. She felt the pendant tugging toward the door in the west that Jaquette had found.

The entrance

Anna relayed to the team the order in which she found the gods in the gallery she saw. They arranged the 9 stones in a pattern with the opposing gods opposite each other and Unkh in the middle. Using his mage hand, Luigi positioned the stones in the door the way that Anna laid them out. The cubes began glowing and then disappeared. The slab rose revealing a passage. Lucky found a 5-foot cube shaped bolder and put it under the door in an attempt to prevent the door from closing. Anna and Jeter both cast light providing plenty of light for the whole party (assuming they stick together.) Lucky told bitey to go hunt and to stay away from dinosaurs.

The 2nd puzzle door

Rolen lead the party into the next part of the hall which was about 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. At the end was a 2nd door with a lever in the up position. Above the lever was a skull. As they approached, the skull’s jaws creaked open, and a skeletal hand holding a crystal hourglass-style timer emerged from within. With a click, the timer rotated, and sand started to trickle into its lower globe.

Seeing they only had a few seconds the entire party rushed into the room. Rolen tried to spin the hourglass unsuccessfully while Luigi and Tyrena grabbed the lever and pulled it. The seam along the center of the floor split and the entire floor disappeared revealing a 20-foot pit with large poisoned spikes below . Tyrena and Luigi were able to hold onto the lever, Anna grabbed ahold of Tyrena and Al was able to grab ahold of the wall. Jeter cast feather fall on the rest of the party. Rolen, Jeter and Jaquette slowly landed on 2 spikes each. The spikes pierced their legs and poisoned them. After being impaled, Rolen cast fly on himself, Jaquette and Jeter so that they were able to remove their limbs from the poisoned spikes. Rolen started to pound pitons below Luigi and Tyrena to keep them from falling. Jaquette flew down in the pit and stuck her staff of the woodlands into the ground and it grew into a massive tree filling the entire room. The party was able to climb along the branches of Jaquette’s tree and make it back to the previous hall.

Jaquette was able to remember her command word and the tree turned back into her staff. She then took the staff and flew to safety. Rolen returned the lever to its up position and the trap floor was reset. The timer came out again and everyone waited patiently. The stone slab rose.

Into the Tomb

They saw a moss-covered corridor extending beyond the second door. Tree roots hung from the sagging ceiling, and the air reeked of rot and damp. A bas-relief carving of a bearded devil’s face adorned the wall at a T-shaped intersection. The devil’s open mouth was a well of utter darkness. Rolen reminded the group “In darkness it hides.” Jaquette put her goggles of night on and walked toward the devil’s face about 40 feet away. As she stepped on the 3rd tile everyone heard a click and darts flew out of the wall heading towards Jaquette, Tyrena and Anna. The first two missed and Anna caught the 3rd and threw it back into the wall blocking a 4th dart. Jaquette flew up and examined the floor looking for other pressure plates. She identified two more and Jeter marked them clearly so they might avoid them in the future. Before going forward Anna gave Rolen some anti-toxin. Unfortunately, it did not remove the poisoned condition. Jaquette removed the poisoned condition from three who fell into the pit.

Devil Face.

Lucky cast detect magic and began feeling the walls. Jaquette began looking for traps. She went to the east and found a grand staircase going down several levels. To the east she saw a crystal wall and a room beyond. Jaquette then stared into the dark void in the devil’s open mouth and even with her goggles she saw nothing. Anna ritually cast detect magic and detected an aura of illusion magic over the face.

Lucky walked into the mouth of the devil. He heard nothing but felt something slash his arm. He grunted but realized the room was silenced. He tried to continue walking but the room was only 10 feet square as something tried to slash him again. Jaquette dispelled the magic and Lucky was staring directly at a shadow demon. Lucky ran out and kept on going down the hall yelling “It’s a demon!”

Jaquette cast blight on the creature. Rolen used chill touch on the demon dealing more necrotic damage. Anna used lightning lure and drew it out and killed it. Examining inside the devil’s face they found an empty small room.

Obo’laka’s Tomb

Rolen walked down the hall towards the crystal wall and looked into the room. He saw a vaulted tomb overgrown with moss and creepers. A stone sarcophagus rested on a stepped dais in the middle of the floor. On the wall behind the sarcophagus, two large statues of bears griped a five-foot-diameter bronze disk embossed with a dozen glaring eyes. Six desiccated corpses sat slumped on thrones in niches along the walls. Each corpse wore a black mask made of papier-mâché and feathers. Rolen saw the eyes on disk slowly scanning the room.

After a couple tries Rolen and Anna were able to shatter the Crystal archway. Rolen turned invisible and proceeded into the room. Alone, he tried to open the sarcophagus. He couldn’t pry it open but found a way to pick the locking mechanism. Opening the sarcophagus, he found the dusty bones of a Zorbo and a ring laying on top. Rolen took the ring and saw the ghostly form of a Zorbo appear with a roar and then disappeared. Rolen, very nervously, left the room and then told the party that the creatures in the room were very frightening.

Lucky went in the room and discovered 2 secret doors, one heading north and the other heading south. Searching the room very thoroughly, he didn’t find anything else. He took the masks from the creatures and passed them out into the hall. Lucky removed invisibility and all the wights turned towards him. Lucky left the room and the wights sat back down.

Anna and Lucky donned masks and walked into the room. Anna opened the southern door and was greeted by a very strong smell of methane gas. Jeter went into the room and put a blanket over the bronze shield. He then removed his mask and the wights did not attack.

A Chest

The party walked down the stairs through the gas and came across a slowly moving river flowing mostly south to north. Anna and Lucky went against the current to the south and found a chest dangling just above the water, hanging from rusty chains embedded in the ceiling. Anna found a keyhole on the chest with a face of a demon skull and an inscription that read “I devour all but the greatest thieves.” Lucky inserted his mastery key into the lock and three things happened. First, the skull’s jaws came down upon his magical key and destroyed it. Second, Lucky was instantly teleported inside the chest. Third, the chains released the chest and it into the water, instantly sinking to the bottom.

Lucky cast blink but the spell failed. He grabbed his chisel to try to get out, but he couldn’t. Jaquette cast guidance on Anna as she dove underwater. She picked the lock on her first try and rescued Lucky from the chest.  In the chest Anna found 300gp, a gold tankard embossed with a sad face that smiles when the tankard is filled (worth about 250 gp), and a stoppered bone tube containing a spell scroll of remove curse.

An odd skeleton

Tyrena followed the river a short distance north past the stairway and spotted a skeleton with an odd skull in the shape of a triangle. The skeleton tried to run away but Tyrena pulled out her laser rifle and shot the skeleton directly between the shoulder blades. The skeleton was obliterated. Tyrena retrieved the head and examined it. The top of the skull had a large stone triangle melded to its head. Rolen put the head in his bag of gnoll heads.

Rewards Granted

Treasure Found

  • A golden pendant shaped like an eye (Anna)
  • A Ring of Protection (Rolen)
  • 300gp (Party Funds)
  • A gold tankard embossed with a sad face that smiles when the tankard is filled (worth about 250 gp) (Lucky)
  • A stoppered bone tube containing a spell scroll of remove curse.
  • A Skeleton skull with top shaped like a Triangle

Character(s) interacted with


History Learned

the gods of Chult
Trickster gods of Omu
Acererak The Lich

Wounded PCs

  • AL 53/66
  • Anna75/82
  • Jaquette 108/130 (Max is -1)
  • Jeter 78/100
  • Lucky 115/132
  • Luigi 140/140
  • Rolen 82/104
  • Tyrena 123/123 (Max is -1)
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
17 Jun 2021