Session 62: Invasion of Gauntlgrym pt 2. Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 62: Invasion of Gauntlgrym pt 2. Report

General Summary

Session 62 – Wednesday April 14, 2021

4 Hour Battle/skill check session. 5:30 PM to 9:45PM

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 25th day of the month of Marpenoth (Leaffall) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Fredrik Fredson – Human L11 Barbarian/L3 Fighter – Dan King (Absent)
  • Jaquette Mara – L14 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L13 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human – L 8 Monk – L4 Wizard /L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Rolen – Human L14 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrus Rechs – Human L11 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda (Absent at play)


  • Find Dragon Lair
  • Aid Zyark in destroying the Slaadi
  • Red Rocks treasure
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

Getting into position

Jaquette and the Alhoons got into position with the condescending Alhoons casting fly on Jaquette to get her up to a cliff high in the room. Fredrik joined and was able to climb to the cliff. Lucky, at the ravine and in total darkness, cast dancing lights to briefly look around the ravine. Afterward Lucky trusted the Alhoons to inform him when the Slaad arrive.

Rolen and Tyrus were in the long hallway along with a couple hundred Gnolls. Rolen and Tyrus were at the front of the archers with dozens of archers behind them. All of them set to fire and duck to allow the subsequent rows to fire and duck. In front of Tyrus and Rolen were dozens of Gnolls and a few of the controlled Slaad ready to engage in hand to hand combat if the evil Slaadi successfully made it down the hall.

Anna goes in

Anna was loaned a pair of dark vision goggles from General Gronor. She then began her mission of heading deep into the caves to find the Slaadi and somehow lure them out. She eventually came across a group of Slaadi with staffs, poking the walls looking for something. Anna tried to taunt them. A powerful Death Slaad in the group directed one of the Red Slaadi to deal with Anna. Anna rushed in and broke the staffs of 3 of the Slaad. Finally getting the attention of all 6 Slaadi, Anna took off deeper into the caves being followed by all 6 Slaadi.

As Anna ran through the caves, she used her axe to scratch the walls to keep track of where she was. She came across several other small groups of Slaadi, but they did not perceive her as a threat and the same 6 Slaadi continued their pursuit. Frustrated that she was not getting more to follow she mentally reached out to the party for ideas.

Rolen goes in

Rolen realized the Slaadi are searching for the Alhoon so he disguised himself as an Alhoon and took one of the Alhoons with him into the dark tunnels attempting to meet up with Anna. Rolen found the scratch marks on the walls and started to follow them. Before he found Anna however, he came across a group of Slaadi who saw them and immediately let out an ear-piercing scream. Deep within the caves the Scream was echoed by other Slaadi. The scream seemed to cascade from one group to another and all the Slaadi began leaving what they were doing and headed towards Rolen.

The Slaadi pursuing Anna stopped following her and turned back and ran towards Rolen. Rolen and the Alhoon turned and ran back the way they came. The Alhoon cast fly upon himself and Rolen did the same. They flew back into position at the end of the long hallway.

The Slaadi attack

Rolen summoned forth his demon as the Slaadi appeared at the end of the long hallway. Tyrus, Rolen and the Demon began the volley. They ducked and the Gnolls loosed their arrows, striking and killing wave after wave of evil Slaad.

A wave of Slaadi entered the chamber where Jaquette and Fredrik were. The Alhoon told Jaquette “Those are the bad guys, kill them.” Then the Alhoon sealed the exit with a wall of force. Jaquette cast wall of fire and Fredrik hurled some fireballs. Jaquette used her staff to cast cone of cold on any that made it through.

The Alhoon with Lucky informed him that the evil Slaad were entering the other side of the ravine. Lucky cast wall of force on the far side of the ravine to prevent any Slaadi from crossing the bridge. Some of the Slaadi continued to look for a way around the wall of force but most of the others were diverted and went to look for another way. One of the Gray Slaad flew up and found a small gap in the upper left corner of the wall of force. The Slaad flew over the ravine and cast fireball on Lucky. The Alhoon however, cast dispel magic and the Slaad fell into the ravine and landed 6 seconds later with a sickening crunch.

Anna snuck up behind a few Slaadi and attacked them during the battle. Tyrus Rolen and his demon continued to man the front line. A few enemy Slaad made it through and were greeted by Rolen’s Slaad and some Gnolls and were promptly slaughtered by good Slaad.

Back in the dome room, Jaquette cast Wall of Ice on the Slaadi coming into the room. Eventually the Slaad made it through the wall of Ice. Fredrik used the last of his fireballs and then slid down the wall to join the battle. The Alhoon in the room ran out of spell slots and then it attacked one of the Slaad, extracting its brain with his tentacles and then proceeded to eat it. Jaquette then saw that a Saad deal a fatal blow to the Alhoon. Jaquette witnessed the Alhoon turn to snow and then instantly melt. Jaquette tried to jump down into Fredrik’s arms but she jumped too far and twisted her ankle. Jaquette then cast sunbeam on the invading Slaad. Fredrik, fighting one of the Slaad shoved it into the Jaquette’s sunbeam, frying it.

Victory at hand!

Tyrus, Rolen and his Demon, started hitting the approaching Slaad at their weakest points (in their necks.) The hordes of Slaad seemed to be greatly diminished as Gronor realized the tides of war had changed and they were on the verge of victory. Gronor halted the archers and sent in the Gnolls for hand to hand combat. Rolen commanded his Slaad and his demon to go in and finish the battle.

The Alhoon with Lucky cast dancing lights on the other side of the ravine so that Lucky could see what was going on. Lucky witnessed the few Slaad that were looking for a weakness in the wall of force were being slaughtered by an overwhelming swarm of gnolls.

The Alhoon with Jaquette and Fredrik saw the Gnolls approaching their area and told Jaquette it’s time to retreat and let the Gnolls finish this. Jaquette told Fredrik “The mind slurpers ready to retreat. The Alhoon introduced himself as Keltu. Keltu was very impressed with Jaquette’s magic and asked how one taps into her source of magic. Then Keltu asked Jaquette how old she was. Keltu made an offer to Jaquette: “If you should wish to be preserved eternally, I would love to assist you.”

Lucky offered a the Alhoon with him (Sloktu and Udostrey) some food but they turned it down. They cut the bridge to be sure no more would cross and then started out of the tunnels.

One very badly wounded Red Slaad was making a hasty retreat. It didn’t see Anna coming the other way. Anna stood to the side and held out her arm, clotheslining the Slaad. It flipped up in the air and landed on its back dead. Anna cracked the skull open looking for a control gem but didn’t find any.

Back to the caverns.

The party regrouped with Zyark near the front of the caves. They shared their stories and how they succeeded. Then they headed back to the caverns letting the Gnolls clean out the caves. As they start to head out an Alhoon looked at Zyark and Zyark said, “Yes, I will keep my word.” The Alhoon (who looked exactly like one of the Alhoon they were working with) nodded and left. The Alhoons retreated into the caves.

Zyark lead the party, a handful of dwarves and some elite Gnolls back towards the caves. They all stopped in a clearing and General Gronor had everyone stop and be inspected. Lucky said, “I was bit.” A Few Gnolls believed him and began trying to knock him unconscious. Lucky said “ouch, it was a joke!” The Gnolls and the dwarves didn’t have a sense of humor about this since many of their comrades were infected and turned into Slaad. After inspecting everyone and finding no scratches or bites Zyark sent the Gnolls back to the Slaadi cave to kill any wounded Gnolls.

Celebrate good times, come on!

The party drank heavily along with the Dwarves. Jaquette asked Zyark what the Brain Slurpers get. Zyark explained that they get all the Slaadi bodies and all the control gems. Lucky performed and drank heavily along with most of the others. Anna disappeared with a handsome dwarf. Jaquette went back to their room and rested. At dawn everyone went to bed. Lucky cast magnificent mansion and everyone went in except Anna, for Anna was nowhere to be seen. Jaquette couldn’t stop her room from spinning and was therefore unable to sleep.

In the afternoon Jaquette and Anna both had 1 level of exhaustion. Around 2PM in the afternoon Rolen saw Anna walking back to the room. Rolen met up with General Gronor to ask about the status of the caves. General Gronor explained that the Gnolls were doing an excellent job cleaning out the caves. He also explained “They’re also developing a much more accurate map.”

Rolen and Lucky went to the caves and found that the Gnolls and the Alhoons had removed every dead body. There were no Gnoll bodies and no Slaadi bodies anywhere to be seen. They went back to Zyark’s caverns and played a game of Chess (Lucky won.) They rested one more night as the next day they wanted to go to Gildon’s Lair.
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
20 Apr 2021