Session 51: Gathering some Mistletoe Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 51: Gathering some Mistletoe Report

General Summary

Session 51 – Wednesday January 20, 2021

  4 Hour Challenge/Role play session. 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM

Party of 5 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 14th day of the month of Marpenoth (Leaffall) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Fredrik Fredson – Human L9 Barbarian/L3 Fighter – Dan King - Absent
  • Jaquette Mara – L13 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L12 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Morgana (Anna) – Human – L11 Rogue/L2Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Rolen – Human L13 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Tyrus Rechs – Human L10 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda


  • Get some mistletoe under the light of the full moon.
  • Aid Zyark in destroying the Slaadi
  • Go to Mechanus to learn how to defeat Slaadi
  • Red Rocks treasure
  • White Dragon at Purple Rocks

What next?

The party spent most of the evening discussing what to do next. Lucky spent some time looking for materials to transcribe some of his ritual spells but couldn’t find what he needed. Anna headed East from Port Llast towards Gauntlgrym along with Seven. Lucky brought Tyrus into a dream with Tamino.
In the morning, Jaquette made several sacks for her Mistletoe. Tyrus and Lucky decided that they would go with Jaquette and Windwalk across the woods to find Anna and then bring her to the location where Mistletoe can be harvested. Rolen decided to stay behind and speak with the Dwarves and General Gronor in particular.

A truthful breakfast

The party was invited to a breakfast stew with General Gronor. The party was somehow compelled to tell the truth although Tyrus was unaffected. General Gronor asked a series of probing questions about the party’s strengths and weaknesses and Rolen felt comfortable revealing details. The rest of the party attempted to evade the questions and glared at Rolen. Lucky pulled Rolen to the side as General Gronor left and scolded him a bit. Lucky expressed his concern over General Gronor and leaving Rolen alone with him. But in the end, Lucky still decided to join Jaquette and Tyrus on what would be a brief journey to get some mistletoe.
After Jaquette, Tyrus and Lucky went to get Anna and some Mistletoe, Rolen joined up with General Gronor to observer the battle drills. General Gronor explained that he really doesn’t have a good idea of the Size of the Slaad forces and then took Rolen to a secret prison in the cavern. General Gronor showed Rolen how a Slaad reproduces and how sending in Gnolls and Dwarves has actually increased the size of the Slaadi forces by at least 100, if not more. He explained that sometimes a few days after a battle, a Dwarf or Gnoll just turned into a Slaad and that Slaad had the memories of the it’s previous form and was able to impersonate that previous form.
General Gronor explained his battle plan is a full-frontal full force attack. He explained that small tactical incursions of Gnolls and Dwarves have failed so far.

A Peaceful grove.

Jaquette cast windwalk on herself, Lucky and Tyrus and they floated out of the cavern and headed west over the Neverwinter woods. They landed in the grove of mistletoe and realized that Anna is heading to Gauntlgrym. Tyrus cast primal awareness and realized that Anna is nowhere near. They then took off looking for Anna.
As a mist, they travelled westward and eventually spotted something shiny. They landed (and Lucky fell from the sky) and Tyrus found Anna and Seven. Tyrus gave a brief overview as to what had happened over the past week and the new mission to help save Gauntlgrym. Jaquette cast Windwalk on Anna and Seven and Tyrus guided them back to the area where they can gather some mistletoe.
They party enjoyed the nature, had dinner and climbed a few trees. Jaquette had a few issues and summoned a bear to assist her climbing a tree. The bear grabbed Jaquette as she fell but only grabbed her backpack. Lucky cast levitate on Jaquette to help her as the bear climbed down the tree with Jaquette’s backpack. Lucky fabricated a few more sickles from some gold coins and the party waited for the full moon to rise in the sky.
Jaquette handed out the sacks she made and asked each person to be sure to only cut Mistletoe that the moon is shining on. Lucky, Tyrus and Jaquette climbed up to the lower branches and started cutting the mistletoe. Anna aided them with her Darkvision goggles by pointing out where it was growing.

A Golden Eagle

The loud screech of an eagle surprised most of the party as it swooped in and grabbed Jaquette’s backpack. Lucky tried to cast hold monster, but the Eagle evaded it. Anna tried to jump up to cut the bag, but the Eagle was already out of reach. Anna grabbed a rock and threw it at the Eagle hitting it, but the Eagle continued to fly away. Jaquette cast Wrath of Nature and had the trees attack the Eagle. The Trees hit it but the Eagle continued away. Jaquette forced a rock to fly up and smash the eagle. The Eagle was battered but seemed unphased and continued to fly. Tyrus fired a walloping arrow at the Eagle and hit it but the Eagle was still just barley hurt.
Jaquette was furious at the eagle and mounted the bear which carried her in the direction of the fleeing eagle. She called lightning on the eagle, but the eagle again took the damage and showed no signs of falling. Tyrus shot a couple seeking arrows at the Eagle and on the 2nd shot was able to track it wherever it went. Jaquette then turned into an eagle herself and flew up after it. Tyrus called Seven to follow along.
The Eagle landed atop a tree and Jaquette landed on a branch near it and they engaged in a brief conversation as Eagles. Anna came to a river and crossed it by hopping carefully across the rocks. Lucky cast fly on himself and flew across the river (Catching a few fish with his net) as he did. A Bear appeared behind Tyrus. Jaquette (as the Giant Eagle) flew down to protect Tyrus from the Bear. Tyrus pushed Seven to fly across the river and threw a flash bang at the Bear. Tyrus tried to jump across the rocks to the other side of the river but struggled. Jaquette helped him across. The Eagle seemed to observe the party and then dove down taunting them some more.
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
20 Jan 2021