Session 40: Downtime after Thay Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 40: Downtime after Thay Report

General Summary

Session 40 – Wednesday Oct 28, 2020

3.5 Hour Roleplay Session. 6:30 PM to 10:15 PM

Party of 6 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It’s the 13th day of the month of Elient (The fading) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Anna – Human – L7 Rogue/L4 Fighter – Ryan Armstrong
  • Fredrik Fredson – Human L8 Barbarian/L3 Fighter – Dan King (absent)
  • Jandar/ Rolen/ Gimble – Josh Pozsonyi
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L10 Bard/L1 Sorcerer – Jacob Munson
  • Tyrus Rechs – Human L8 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Fergewon – Firbolg L11 Cleric – Spencer Armstrong
  • Jaquette Mara – L11 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong

Your Goals:

  • Gather with your friends and become reacquainted after 6 weeks of downtime.

Tyrus talked to Enialis

Tyrus had been holding onto a scrap of Leather ever since he first arrived in Daggerford. His lord commander had handed it to him during a brutal attack by a pack of powerful Gnolls. The Lord commander believed it to be a key to the Gnoll attacks. Tyrus attempted to get an audience with Enialis for many weeks to see what this item was and finally Enialis had an opening. Tyrus explained the situation in Mirabar with Gnolls and showed Enialis the only clue he had.   Enialis snickered at the Gnolls and looked curiously at the cloth and seemed to find interest in it. He asked Tyrus to accompany him to do some research in the restricted section of the Black Staff Library. Eventually they found a book regarding the Rune inscribed upon the leather. The Rune has 2 purposes. The first one was obvious, to try to control the Gnolls. The second one however was hidden, to call Yeenoghu to the Material plane. Enailis warned that Yeenoghu is very powerful and could destroy Mirabar and the surrounding area. Enialis didn’t have time to be bothered with a regional issue and Tyrus told him that he has a party that will dig into the issue in more detail. Enialis gave Tyrus a Sending Stone and wished him good luck.

The Party Reunites

Tyrus entered Fredrik’s establishment of the Prancing penguin. Fredrik’s grandmother Dolly greeted him and provided food. Lucky entered with a slimy Dwarf named Gimble. Gimble had been hanging out with Lucky and looking for Jandar for some reason. A Gilded carriage pulled by 4 horses pulled up and Anna and a human warlock named Rolen entered the tavern. Anna handed out a voucher for 17,634 gold to each person (including Rolen.) Rolen said that he was a Bounty hunter of sorts. A Paladin by the name of Halton Duskbane also found the party inside the Prancing Penguin and provided a letter from Jandar.   The Letter explained that Jandar will not be rejoining the party. It also went on to say that because of his actions and the actions of the party against the gods, they should find someone to fill his slot. Gimble got upset that Jandar isn’t showing up, complained to Lucky, added lucky to his enemy list as he huffed out. Halton headed back to Dragonford to work on the monastery.   Rolen volunteered his service to the party as a Warlock and Anna vouched for him. The rest of the party agreed to allow Rolen join them. Lucky explained that he collected some trinkets and entertained the people of Waterdeep with wine and song.   Jaquette explained how her friend Alice sent her an Owl with a letter in which Alice asked for help. Jaquette explained that Alice fell in love with a gentleman name Zander Foe and then he abruptly left her when he realized she wouldn’t introduce him to her Unicorn friend Buttercup. Buttercup had arrived to help Alice heal the poor woodland creatures who have been struggling with a skin condition in the forests near Dragonford. Apparently, the acid from the dragon Thoss has seeped into the forest floor and the woodland creatures are suffering. Alice and Buttercup needed some help and Jaquette helped by making tiny socks for the creatures’ feet. Jaquette also has a chipmunk (Chipper) living in her hair.   Anna explained that she spent time in Tirmish running her shop and training. She had sold all the treasure and provided vouchers for each of the party member.  

Tyrus asks for help.

Tyrus explained to the party his meeting with Enialis and how his home of Mirabar is in danger. He asked the party to help him figure out the issue in Mirabar. The party agreed to help, and Anna offered to provide transportation with her carriage. They realized it is 400 miles away and would take about 17 days to get there. Dolly overheard the party talking and told them Fredrik wanted them to stay at his tavern for as long as they needed.   Dolly, after having her memory refreshed with some gold, told the party of what she’d heard of Mirabar and some Dwarves not happy with Mirabar. After some more gold, Dolly told of the rumors she heard that the Dwarves of Gauntlgrym are not happy and that while King Bruenor Battlehammer was killed in the war, His brother Farimour is an interesting character and frankly she didn’t trust him. She heard of the last party that Farimour sent to try to find an opening into Gauntlgrym and they were horribly killed and little of their bodies were left. She even heard that Farimour killed King Bruenor Battlehammer’s son Zyark Battlehammer, but that wasn’t too bad cause he was a brat. She heard that after the last party was slaughtered a couple tendays ago, Farimour and the dwarves following him have given up on Gauntlgrym. She heard that Farimour is working in Port Llast as a mason. She also pointed out that the man and orc lady at the next table are Captain Pryor and first mate Bree who have a ship and are going to Port last tomorrow.   Tyrus and Lucky introduced themselves to Captain Pryor and First Mate Bree as Old Beard and Short Stuff. They booked passage (200gp per person) to Port Llast. The party took a tour of Waterdeep; Tyrus gathered some cigars from his house on Elvarren’s Lane. Anna put her horses in the stables and left her Owl. They all stayed at the Prancing Penguin for the night and Lucky took a pair of Fredrik’s underwear. Lucky introduced his Goblin servant “Barty” who will be accompanying the party on their journey.

The Crazy Suzan

The party found the Galley ship, the “Crazy Suzan.” They were greeted by a gnome at the gangplank. They gave their names as Rolen, Short stuff, Old beard, Anna. The Gnome introduced himself as Mr. Firth , the Bosun and told them not to fall off, don’t talk to the captain, stay out of Bree’s way and don’t complain about the food.” Mr. Firth also told them “We have supplies to deliver and won’t stop if someone falls overboard. The journey will take 4 days. Q, the Quartermaster will be by to collect the fees and Dr. Hook’s medical facilities are in the rear near your quarters but avoid getting sick.”   They made their way to their quarters and settled into their hammocks. The accommodations were tight but not bad. The ship set sail and Lucky talked to the cook as the party heard the crack of a whip in the level where the oars are.   The party inspected the ship and found their quarters are much cleaner than the rest of the ship. Anny stayed in the quarters quite seasick. They talked to one of the Orcs manning the Ballista. The Orc explained that this is a frequent trade run they make. Jaquette pointed out a Dolphin happily jumping in the water and one of the Ballista operators shot a harpoon at the Dolphin and reeled it in for Dinner. Lucky went and got Chef Pip who came up, cut it up horribly. Dinner was very bland but well prepared.   After dinner, Tyrus led Lucky and Rolen on a clandestine examination of the forward storage area. They found barrels of Ale and fresh water, some food supplies and ship supply/repair supplies. They found many cases of pickaxes and masonry tools. They also found a few cases of valuable artwork and ancient pottery from Chult. Leaving the items and putting all the chests back, they wandered around the upper deck and mid deck (where the rowers are.) They also found the captains quarters but left it for now.   The second day, Jaquette helped take care of Anna who remained horribly seasick. Lucky went to work with Chef Pip and Chef Pip left to let Lucky prepare lunch by himself. Tyrus found the Quartemaster “Q” who explained that the ship is planning on selling supplies at Port Llast and pickup stone to sell back in Waterdeep. Meanwhile, Rolen explained (using minor illusion) the artwork and the pottery to Anna who said that the items are rare and expensive.   Tyrus got some meat from Lucky and found a fishing pole in a storage cupboard on deck. He spent most of the morning fishing. He first caught a small fish and then used that as bait. The Captain found Tyrus and Jaquette on deck fishing. The captain was in a good mood and Tyrus was exceptionally charming, so he spoke with Tyrus. The Captain explained that the Crazy Suzan is usually a warship but right now he’s making plenty of money trading supplies and stone between Port Llast and Waterdeep and a few other cities on the Sword coast. A few hours later (just before lunch) Tyrus caught a large Yellow fin Tuna. Lucky prepared Sushi for the crew as an appetizer along with some delicious salted pork.   Tyrus studied and learned the captain’s movement patterns. He learned that the Captain is a man of routine and learned how long he’ll be away from his quarters every morning. On the last night of the Journey, Tyrus made his final preparations to sneak into the captains quarters the next morning. He also invited several of the crew to play cards…

Rewards Granted

Free room at the Prancing Penguin and 1 free meal/ day.

Character(s) interacted with

Dolly Saville 
Captain Pryor 
First Mate Bree 
Mr. Firth


Party wants to play cards and sneak into the Captains quarters.
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Report Date
29 Oct 2020