Session 107 Finding Ducia Report Report in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil

Session 107 Finding Ducia Report

General Summary

Session 107 – Wednesday May the 4th be with you, 2022 – The search for Ducia concludes

5 Hour battle session 5:30 PM to 10:40 PM

Party of 5 (The order of Heroes, Inc.):

It is the 11th day of the month of Nightal (The Drawing Down) in the 3rd year of the Age of Enialis
  • Annalisa (Anna) – Human L8 Monk – L8 Wizard /L4Fighter – Ryan Armstrong (Remote)
  • Jaquette Mara – L20 Human Druid – Jackie Armstrong
  • Lucky Lightfoot – Leprechaun – L18 Bard/L1 Sorcerer/L1 Warlock – Jacob Munson
  • Rolen – Human L20 Warlock – Josh Pozsonyi (School work)
  • Tyrena Rechs – Human L17 Ranger/L3 Fighter – Nathan Gioconda
  • Doc – L20 Dwarf Artificer – Spencer Armstrong
  • Fredrik Fredson - L20 Barbarian – Dan King


  • Kill Ducia
  • Gather the other parts of the god Destroyer sword (Blade, Hilt and guard)
  • Destroy the Amber Sarcophagi with the god Destroyer sword
  • Take the sword to the Summer Queen and have her destroy it.
  • Get dragon egg for Lady Cersei.

The ramifications of resting during an invasion

The party was hurt and a bit tired. Lucky offered to give them a short rest in 10 minutes with a Catnap spell. Tyrena offered to stay on guard and Anna gave Jaquette her healing potions so she could also stay on guard. Lucky played a little lullaby and he, Rolen and Anna passed out for 10 minutes with Tyrena and Jaquette looking over them. When they woke up Tyrena had her bow in her hand and was looking up at the cliffs above them.

The party looked and saw the cliffs were filled with hordes of kobolds, undead creatures, and red Wizards. In the 10 minutes they had rested, Ducia’s forces were able to assemble, and the party was pinned down by a very large and powerful force. A voice Echoed out from above, “Capt. Rechs, of the Mirabar Rangers. I've been studying you. You're an intelligent leader and an experienced military commander. You have earned my respect.” Tyrena stood firm with her arrow noched. The Red wizard in charge continued, “Capt. Rechs, if you have any concern for the lives of your party, you will order them to safety their weapons and place them on the deck.” Tyrena snickered. The wizard again spoke with strong authority, “Your unit is covered from an elevated position Capt. I'm not gonna ask you again. Don't do anything stupid. No-one has to die here.”

A Thumping of wings was heard as the White Dragon flew overhead and landed at the top of the temple near the wizard. The red wizard went on, “I must admit, Captain. That was a very clever trick with Isendraug. She's not the brightest of dragons. However, she's now compelled to stay her until your death or hers.” The dragon stared down at the party with no expression on her face. Her eyes had a soft green glow.

The benefit of friends.

The cliff face beside the party began to fade from a light snow-covered rock to black void. The face of the cliff seemed to bend into a void. In the distance, within the void, creatures could be seen. A familiar looking Alhoon seemed to be standing in a dark colorless cavern holding out his arms and making slow exaggerated gestures. A muscular dwarf looked down the long dark tunnel. He turned back to the Alhoon, smiled, and slapped the Alhoon in the butt. He took a step into the Black Portal Gate and his body seemed to stretch and in one step he was outside the portal. Zyark, with his battle axe in hand and shiny rings on his fingers, flashed a smile from behind his beard and said, "Sup dude!" Eight other dwarfs quickly walked through the portal along with 4 Alhoons. The last Alhoon looked at Lucky. One if its face tentacles turned and went down its throat, his mouth opened wide and he said, "Suupppp Duuuuddde."

Another Gate spell was cast on the opposite wall. Floating out of the gate was a tall red Tiefling followed by a dozen Drow with Din’hrae of house Xorlarrin in the front. The vampire, Alaric Saltzman, flashed his fangs as he smiled at Jaquette. Din’hrae looked at the Order of Heroes and punched his chest with his right hand. All the Drow behind him, in unison, did the same. The loud thwumpp from their chest beating echoed along the cavern. The Drow all simultaneously dropped to one knee, flipped up their crossbows into a shooting position aimed at the heads of the creatures on the cliffs above. The tips of their arrows dripped with green poison.

In the North a brilliant light zoomed into the sky, almost blinding, From the ravine, the party could see that the sun in the southern sky is simply reflecting off her silver scales. An ancient silver dragon seemed to be hovering, beating her wings slowly and glaring down at the wizards. Sophos mentally communicated with Anna. "I do this for your sister."

The support engages

From behind the mountain, a thumping of another massive winged creature was heard. A gargantuan red Dragon slowly rose behind the Red Wizards and the white dragon. Many of the kobolds looked up with their mouths agape. Sitting atop the dragon's head with a set of reigns in its hand was a tiny little hairless chipmunk wearing dragon hide armor. On the dragon's back was a large human barbarian who waved and shouted "Helloooo!"

The Red Wizard shouted out, “Focus on the red, we can turn it!” Zyark twisted one of his rings and gave the finger to Red Wizard in the front. He turned to Rolen and said, "Go! We got this!" Sophos exhaled a cone of silvery mist from her mouth. The chipmunk leaned into the Red Dragon's ear. Cersei's face slowly formed an evil smile as her mouth opened and a torrent of fire was released! The party raised their shields over their heads as they ran to the front door and found it locked. Anna scrambled to unlock the door and succeeded. The party ran in except for Tyrena as she stood outside picking off red wizards on the cliffs.

The first room inside the temple

The party saw a large room, 40 feet high, about 100 feet wide and just as deep. They saw a red wizard in the back with a magical hand in front of him and a Gray Render charging towards the party. Lucky saw the magic hand and slammed the wizard with 4 eldritch blasts breaking his concentration and the hand disappeared. The wizard, in response cast circle of death on the party moderately hurting them and the Gray Render. Anna started blade singing and punching the Gray Render. The Gray Render tried to hit the Anna in response but missed.

Above the party on platforms in the north and the south, kobolds started firing arrows down upon the party. Seeing the kobolds, Rolen far stepped behind the wizard and summoned an ice spider queen that bit the wizard. The wizard passed out from the poison. The Gray Render hit Anna with one claw. Jaquette yelled out, “Take that you fiend!” and called a lightning storm that struck the Gray Render. The kobold archers loosed a few more arrows. One arrow struck lucky who rebuked the Kobold hellishly. Lucky then shot his eldritch blast up at the kobolds and wiped out one. Rolen’s spider spewed a web on the Gray Render and then moved towards the northern balcony but hit an antigravity field. The spider flew up smashing into the ceiling. Rolen teleported behind the kobolds in the north. The remaining kobolds fired at Anna and Lucky. Anna pummeled the Gray Render and shot her fist at the kobold. The from the spider webbing froze the Gray Render and killed it. Jaquette blighted a kobold, turning it into dust.

Lucky fired his eldritch blasts at the kobold on the southern ledge and destroyed it. Rolen finished off both on the northern balcony. Jaquette wanted to practice her sling on the unconscious wizard, so Anna stood him up and Jaquette hit it directly in the forehead with a slingstone, finishing him off.

Going down

The party examined the area and found a teleportation circle in the center of the room. Lucky looked at the large pot of soup on the stove and took it. Anna went to the door in the western wall and tried to pick it but couldn’t quite get it. Jaquette went to the door and picked it with a stick she found in her hair. Anna and Rolen both took potions of Giant strength. Jaquette took a few potions of greater healing. Inside the room they found another door. Anna again tried to pick the lock but again failed. Jaquette got out the twig again and she too failed. Since Rolen and Anna both have the strength of Giants they easily smashed the door in.

Behind the door they found a staircase going down. The party went down the stairs and found a room just like the one above with 2 lit braziers. They didn’t waste any time trying to pick the look (or even try to notice that it wasn’t locked) and simply broke the door down. They felt a wave of heat as they peered into a room where the floor was mostly covered in lava. Anna looked through the door and contemplated throwing broken pieces of the stone door into the lave to hop across. They quickly realized that wouldn’t work. They saw several Fire elementals, Maga mephitis, magmins and a Fire Elemental Myrmidon. The far side of the room was concealed in shadow.

Jaquette transformed into a bat and flew 15 feet into the room and immediately turned around and came back. She reverted back to her normal form and told the party that Ducia is standing in an open door, hiding in the shadow across the lava. Ducia smiled and said hello, as she cast Maze on Anna.

Fighting the BBEG

Anna disappeared and found herself deep inside a maze in some unknown plane brewing with frustration. The fire Myrmidon walked into the room with the party and started slashing at Jaquette. Lucky cast crown of stars and fired one off at the thing. Rolen teleported next to Ducia, grabbed her shoulders, submerged her into the lava and then stepped back into a room filled with kobolds who were cowering. The spider bit into the fire elemental. Ducia floated out of the lava, slightly scolded. A necromancer opened a door and appeared on the far side of the room, cast Bigby’s hand and pushed Jaquette into the lava. Fortunately, Jaquette was wearing her red dragon armor and was resistant to fire. Ducia cast ray of sickness on Jaquette, but Jaquette was immune to being poisoned.

Ducia looked at Rolen and cast finger of death, but Rolen used his rod of absorption and absorbed the spell. Rolen cast blade of disaster, but Ducia cast counterspell. Rolen then used a magical item to cast cone of cold hitting her and ½ of the kobolds in the room. Ducia again cast ray of sickness on Rolen, and he smiled and replied, “We came prepared.” Rolen’s spider shot a web at the Fire Myrmidon and restrained it. They Fire Myrmidon killed the spider and cut itself free of the webs. One of the Fire Elementals walked into the room with Lucky and stood on him setting Lucky on fire.

Jaquette turned into a Jaculi, crawled out of the lava, and lurched at Ducia. Ducia threw a kobold in the path of the spell (legendary resistance) and the kobold was destroyed by the spell. Anna found her way out of the maze and appeared back in the room with Lucky. She then used her bonus action to jump across the creatures and landed in front of Duca. Anna said, “Hello, my name is Annalisa Selemchant, you killed my sister, prepare to die.” Ducia disrupted the lives of those near her and caused necrotic damage to all around her, destroying the Jacuili.

An old friend joins the fray.

Fredrik ran down the stairs in a rage, saw Lucky engulfed inside of a fire elemental and started pounding on it. Lucky stepped out of the flames and then spilled the soup all over his body dousing the flames. Lucky said hi to Fredrik as one of the stars from Lucky’s crown flew into the fire elemental. The necromancer moved his magical hand to the center of the room. Rolen nudged Anna next to Ducia and cast Forcecage on the two of them. Rolen then handed a pellet to Jaquette telling her to crush it over the lava. Protected inside the forcecage, Ducia smiled and cast feeble mind on Anna. Jaquette walked to the lava and crushed the bead. 15 cubic feet of water emerged from the pellet and solidified the lava in a 30’ radius allowing the rest of the party to make their way across. Ducia then used her paralyzing Touch and paralyzed Anna.

A Fire Elemental and the Myrmidon attacked Fredrik. The other Fire elemental attacked Rolen. Anna, still paralyzed, couldn’t break free from the spells. Fredrik smacked the Magmin and it exploded. Lucky used his wish spell to cast forbiddance. The elementals all took radiant damage, the magmin and mephit exploded and were destroyed. The necromancer cast dispel magic on the forbiddance area removing the effect. Fredrick saw what happened and asked, “Where is the magic man?” Lucky told him, around the corner to the right. Fredrik ran to the necromancer and pounced on him. The necromancer screamed like a little girl at the sight of Fredrik. Fredrik clamped the necromancer’s mouth shut preventing him from casting any verbal spells.

The turning of the tide.

Ducia smacked Anna with her staff. Fredrik, grappling the red wizard rolled over into the lava and killed him by submerging him in the lava. The fire elemental and myrmidon started attacking lucky. Lucky cast destructive wave at the elementals badly hurting them. Jaquette watched Ducia continue to smack the heck out of a drooling Anna and got very frustrated. Jaquette then said “Fine, I’ll kill them all” and cast sunburst, devastating all the kobolds and badly hurt Rolen. Feeling just a little guilty, she gave him a cure wounds prayer bead. Rolen dropped the Forcecage, destroyed the fire elemental and then consumed his mark healing himself a bit.

Free from the Forcecage, Ducia Blighted Jaquette and Jaquette said, “Is that the best you got?” Jaquette used a prayer bead to break Anna free of her feeble mind and then turned into a Jaculi. Ducia cast ray of frost on the Jaculi and destroyed it returning Jaquette to her normal form. Anna was able to end the paralysis on herself. Fredrik dashed over towards Ducia and tossed the red wizards head at her. He then grappled Ducia but couldn’t pin her down. Rolen cast spirit shroud on himself and went stabby stab on Ducia with Bookmark. Ducia cast shocking grasp on Rolen, but Rolen counter spelled it just to mess with her. Lucky killed off the fire elemental with a star from his crown and then walked toward Ducia. Lucky cast blink on himself and disappeared. Ducia shot a critical shocking grasp on Rolen hurting him badly.

The End of Ducia

Anna looked at Ducia and said, “Your time is up.” She then cast a mind whip dealing psychic damage to Ducia. Anna then used an action surge and cast intellect fortress on herself. Ducia cast chain lightning on Anna, Fredrick and Rolen. Fredrik (still on fire) seeing Rolen in bad shape threw a splash potion of supreme healing at him and then pinned Ducia gagging her. Ducia again tried to disrupt life of everyone around her, knocking Anna unconscious. Jaquette looked at Rolen angrily and cast “heal” on Anna and cured Rolen with one of her prayer beads. Lucky cast Aid on Anna, Jaquette and Rolen (giving them 30 additional HP) and kept them alive. Lucky threw one of his stars at the Myrmidon and obliterated it.

Rolen started carving into Ducia’s chest to remove her heart. Ducia’s lair started dropping Rocks on Fredrik, Rolen and Jaquette. Ducia cursed Rolen. Fredrik smashed Ducia with his hammer. Ducia stared back at Fredrik with a frightening gaze. The frightened Fredrick peed himself. Rolen poured all his smiting spells into a massive attack that critically hit Ducia leaving her just barely alive. Opening her chest, he couldn’t find a heart. Anna knelt by her head and finished her off by punched her head over and over again until there was nothing but black ooze. Jaquette threw up a little bit in her mouth and then cast greater restoration on Rolen removing his curse. Fredrick, gagging, fled the room to go find Chipper.
Rebuilding in the Age of Enialis
Lucky Lightfoot
Annalisa Selemchant
Jaquette Mara
Fredrik Fredson
Douglan Halfdopple
Rolen Blackstone
Tyrus Rechs
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
10 May 2022