Hiding in Toril in the Age of Enialis | World Anvil


Hiding is an action but some features allow it to be bonus action

To hide: 

Make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to set the DC to be found
If you are hidden — both unseen and unheard — you have advantage on attack rolls but when you make an attack, you give away your location when the attack hits or misses.
If you are hidden, attacks against you have disadvantage if they can’t see you and if they can’t see you they have to guess where you are.
If you are hidden but make a noise. Creatures know where you are but still have disadvantage on attack roll. Same as if you were invisible.

To find: 

Wisdom (Perception) check of any creature that uses action to searches for signs of your presence. Passive perception score used to automatically detect. If you have advantage on perception checks +5 to Passive score and -5 if you have disadvantage to perception checks.
Invisible targets are not automatically hidden, and attackers know where they were when they became invisible. (still have disadvantage because invisible.) However, if hidden, the attackers do NOT know where they are, they must choose where to attack.

House rule. Invisible creatures have advantage on hiding actions. And creatures with true sight will automatically see them regardless of successful hiding.

If player is blind

Perception to detect hiding players is with disadvantage and -5 to passive perception