Shadar-Kai Ethnicity in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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The Shadar-Kai, or shadow fey, are a race of bitter, determined folk whose souls are poisoned by shadow. Gray skinned and dark-eyed, the slender Shadar-Kai stand slightly taller than average humans, and their soft movements exude grace and uncanny stealth. Shadow follows the Shadar-Kai wherever they go. Shadows cast by the folds of their clothing seem deeper than normal, and a Shadar-Kai can seemingly fade out of sight by simply stepping into any shadow.   The Shadar-Kai prefer light weapons suited for grace and agility, especially spiked chains. Many Shadar-Kai decorate their bodies with piercings and tattoos. Their bitterness extends deep within to a sense of penchant for causing their own physical pain and sometimes self-flagellation.      The continuous pull of the Plane of Shadow has left the shadar-kai grim and embattled. Few races understand the plight of the shadow fey. Even the temporary solutions the shadar-kai have found leave them struggling with constant pain, making them vicious. Their willingness to commit acts of cruelty and violence has increased with each generation.   When leaving The Shadowfell a Shadar-Kai use their sel-flagellation and painful spiked devices to tether their minds to their physical bodies, lest the be ripped from the Prime Material Plane back into the shadow.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adream, Althebees, Bichryn, Burriel, Cowlyyn, Enny, Jellyniith, Liiare, Mealay, Sarrihell, Shavvir, Thibie, Vain, Xenapheobia

Masculine names

Adr, Aelech, Aranat, Arannt, Austar, Berri’im, Enialate, Erdamn, Galingal, Harderied, Ivillain, Lucian, Pelvis, Rollin, Therein, Varriis

Family names

Shadar-kai names sound like twisted elven names and many elves even find their names offensive.


Stonewilt, Starfire, Moonglare, Hardsweat, Stonefall, Blackfrond, Ashenboot, Nighterror, Darkwater, Blackflower


Major language groups and dialects

Common, Elvish, Sylvan

Common Dress code

Natives of The Shadowfell, the Shadar-Kai don't know a world of color so they typically only wear white or black.   Any Shadar-Kai venturing away from the Plane of Shadow wears some kind of device, jewelry, or  other piece which causing them constant pain. These pieces are often large decorative metal or leather bands with inward facing spikes diging into
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