Citadel of the Raven Building / Landmark in Toril - The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Citadel of the Raven

The Citadel of the Raven was a fortress of the Zhentarim[2] that was situated within the Dragonspine Mountains in the western portion of the Moonsea region. The citadel itself was the main feature of the stronghold, which rested in the center of 10 miles (16 km) of interconnected fortresses on the western end of the Dragonspines.[3] It was a well-fortified and well-protected fortress.[2]
  The citadel supported a small community of refugees from Zhentil Keep around its outskirts. This was originally discouraged by the Zhentarim, though they later saw the benefits to controlling such a community.[2]


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