Kir Character in Tor'Saarn (classic) | World Anvil
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Goddess of Mathematics, Daughter of Andrasha, Parent of Sair and Michrol, Low god of Sar'aan's Pantheon.


Kir, the goddess of mathematics, takes the form of a tall near-human woman that shares features with many of the races of Tor'Saarn. She has deep purple skin similar to that displayed by the Malruun, the forward facing horns of the Herost Seltien, Pointed ears like the Kiari, Silver hair of her own Angralin people, and the storm-blue eyes common of ancestral humans.   Although still confident, she is more reserved in personality than her mother. She favors quiet contemplation and thoughtful conversations with close friends over the extravagant gatherings her mother adores. She is more inclined to befriend mortals than most gods, often conversing with the mathematicians of the kingdom of Herost before it's destruction in the first age.


Kir served under Andarsha in the late astral crusade, working alongside Nioss and Mayreign to forge the ring upon which the Realms of the gods would be crafted.   She is anomalous amongst the gods, and is one of the few to take a lover from the races forged by the gods. Her husband is the Kiari warrior Alarim, who fathered her demigod children, Sair and Michrol.

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