Andarsha Character in Tor'Saarn (classic) | World Anvil
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Goddess of Trade and Value, Mother of Gods, Creator of the Angralin, High god of Sar'aan's Pantheon, The Great Logician, Hostess of the gods.


Andrasha is intelligent and charismatic, and is famed in the heavens for her enormous displays of wealth. She is a patron to those who work hard or smart for their living, and despises scammers above all else. She is beloved for her strict ethics, and yet among the gods she is often considered vain, an oddity among Sar'aan's pantheon. She takes these criticisms in her stride, as where others see her false bravado as vanity she perceives it only as a boon, a means to shroud her weaknesses by hiding her thoughts.   She can take the form of any race, however her hair is always golden, in the form of the Grolsaan her scales are silver with gold highlights, and in the form of the Kholmir her skin is gold and her shell glitters like emerald. She is typically both fit and attractive by the standards of the race she imitates, likely a conscious decision innkeeping with her manufactured façade.   Her clothing is typically of a light and flowing fabric, often comparable to a hostess's garb. She favors greens and blues, and her worshippers tile and paint the insides of her temples with these colors.


Andrasha's role in the Astral Crusade was to manage the various resources of the Legions of the Gods, transferring resource overflows from one legion to where it is needed. She is the mother of Kir, who is the goddess of mathematics. She created the Angralin by taking members of each race to act as quartermasters on her behalf.   She would mother the goddess Kir, and the grandmother of Sair and Michrol.

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