Oonadr Tradition / Ritual in Tor | World Anvil


White Dragonborn have some select customs that differ greatly from surrounding clans and people, Oonadr is one such custom. Oonadr like a duel between two warriors for rights, status, and respect, this sort of duel is found many other cultures. However what makes white dragonborn different is the type of duel. Oonadr is a race to the top of a mountain by climbing the steepest sections of said mountain. When a Oonadr challenge is made the opponent must accept or is labeled a coward, the opponent will be shunned and their opinions/ wants from the clan will go unanswered. However if the opponent accepts and looses, they will be thought of as weak and lesser then the winner, this is still a better outcome than outright refusing though. Refusing an Oonadr challenge is thought of as dishonorable, disgraceful, and proof that the refuser is weak of mind, spirit, and body.
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