Lava Dragon Species in Tomeria | World Anvil
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Lava Dragon

Basic Information


Typically large and lanky fitting the caverns or volcanoes they inhabit. They are strong dragons but flightless with wings progressively getting smaller through the ages.    They have 6 legs which are shorter and stubbier similar to a Rock Dragon and also have a leathery skin with smaller chunks of rock and large cracks where lava tends to flow around the body constantly.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lava dragons are a subspecies of Red Dragons that are believed to have previously mated with Rock Dragons which eventually ended a new subspecies of flightless Lava Dragons.

Ecology and Habitats

The most common place to find one is naturally in lava pools underground or nearby volcanoes. It is legend in many places that any active volcano is just the lair of a Lava Dragon and will oftentimes be keen on providing plenty of sacrifices to keep it content.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lava Dragons are very similar to Rock Dragons in this instance and will oftentimes feed off of minerals in the ground while hunting to help supplement the meager offerings underground. Other than that they will eat just about anything they can find.

Biological Cycle

Lava Dragons like all dragons keep a consistent cycle of long periods of activity followed by long periods of hibernation which increases the older they get.    They also follow the similar patterns of responding to the climate of their environment. The hotter the environment the more likely the dragon is to feel content with either staying awake or hibernating for longer depending on the personality of the specific dragon.    Lava Dragons are also known for hibernating in the pools of lava itself.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While the physical characterstics closer match Rock Dragons, when it comes to magical powers they are much more similar to the chromatic Red Dragons they are descended from. While not quite on the same scale in pure magical power they are vastly more powerful than many of the Nature Dragons and scholars continue to debate which group they should belong to.    Similar to the Rock Dragons their hearing and sight is quite bad due and tend to rely on the magically attuned tremor sense.
Scientific Name
Magma Draconis
Like most Dragons there is no known lifespan limit for these magical creatures


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