Mutagen Poisoning Condition in TMNT: Mystic Forest | World Anvil

Mutagen Poisoning

Mutagen Poisoning occurs when an organism comes in contact with a diluted, or altered form of mutagen.  

Mild Mutagen Poisoning

  Mild mutagen poisoning is caused by diluted trace amounts of mutagen, often found in contaminated water supplies, but it can also occur in mutants who are exposed to too much mutagen post-mutation.   Symptoms of mild mutagen poisoning are dizziness, sluggishness, headaches, and nausea. Occasionally it can come with a mild fever. Usually it can be treated with rest and drinking lots of clean water to wash it out of the system. More severe cases in non-mutants can trigger a full mutation.  

Advanced Mutagen Poisoning

  Advanced mutagen poisoning is a scarier issue to deal with. This form of mutagen poisoning only occurs with mutagen that has been tampered with, such as the chemically altered mutagen found in Stockman's Oozequitoes. This can cause a lot of problems such as unstable mutations and even secondary mutations in already mutated creatures, overwriting their natural immunity to it.

Transmission & Vectors

The most common vector of transmission is through the Oozequitoes that were bred by Baxter Stockman. Their abdomens are filled with an unstable, chemically altered version of mutagen that Stockman was working on. This mutagen can be injected into the body of whatever creature it chooses to bite. It tends to target other mutants, craving the mutagen rich blood inside of them, but in desperation will target normal creatures as well.   This unstable mutagen can then be further spread when an afflicted mutant ejects contaminated bodily fluids and other creatures come in contact with it.


Symptoms of advanced mutagen poisoning are more intense. Stage 1 shows itself in the form of flu like symptoms that progress over a few weeks. This includes; headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, congestion, coughing, muscle soreness, and a high fever. This stage can often be confused for a very bad flu, rather than anything more serious.   Stage 2 is when mutations start to happen. They are usually sudden onset mutations that happen much faster than normal, up to 5 minutes at most. This rabid mutation is extremely painful and traumatic on the body, and there is a high chance the afflicted will not survive. Even if they do, they will be subjected to an incredibly unstable mutation that reduces cognitive function and leaves them as a ravenous, violent beast.   Stage 3 is the body beginning to break down from the unstable mutation. The body eventually cannot regenerate faster than its breaking down and the creature will eventually die of organ failure. This can happen within months or even years, but it will eventually happen regardless.


Afflicted creatures will stay in Stage 2 the longest. This is the stage where they become an unstable mutant. Their bodies will usually develop out of control and into forms that don't make sense for a creature to thrive. This is due to the DNA becoming scrambled beyond recognition.   If a mutant is afflicted, there's a chance their mutated immune system can fight off the new strain of mutagen in its system. If successful, it can purge the changes from the body and revert back to it's normal form. In most cases, however, this is only temporary, leading to a cycle if mutation and demutation that gets harder to recover from every time.   This cycle also risks Stage 3 occurring sooner, as it puts immense strain on the bones and organs.  


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Initially there is no cure, due to it being a recent problem. It's not until Donatello is infected with it that the need to find a cure becomes dire. His brothers hunted down Stockman and forced him to help them with a cure, which in the end required efforts of him, Leatherhead, Lindsey Baker and even the EPF.   Eventually a cure was found in time, a retro mutagen that targeted the specific form of mutagen that could be administered as a vaper and dusted through affected areas.


Curing mutagen poisoning doesn't come without consequences. Recovery will require weeks of rest, and the transformations will leave the afflicted with permanent damage to organs and bones. Scar tissue and stretch marks are guaranteed to form after demutation, and arthritis is also likely to develop.   Issues with the brain are also common, such as chronic brain fog and migraines. Humanoids will also likely experience some trauma from the experience, leading to PTSD.
Affected Species


Chronic, Acquired


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