Bishop Character in TMNT: Mystic Forest | World Anvil


Joanne Bishop

!!!This article contains Spoilers for Mystic Forest.
Bishop is the current head of the Earth Protection Force aka Environmental Protection Force, which is in charge of tracking down and dealing with unusual phenomenon in the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Joanne is white woman of seemingly average build with dark hair that's usually put up in a tight bun. When her hair is down is reaches shoulder length with thick waves in it. She has strong facial features like a sharp jaw line and large nose. She often wears very minimal make up. She is actually very fit, though it's hard to tell under her work clothes.

Apparel & Accessories

Bishop often wears her work clothes, being a suit. She has a white button down with a black pencil skirt and trench coat. She wears tights and black heels underneath. She of often seen wearing a pair of dark, square framed sunglasses, even at night.   Her civilian wear tends to consist of simple colors of blouses and jackets, and pencil skirts.

Specialized Equipment

Bishop is often equipped with the finest weaponry and tech the US Government has to offer, and the EPF has their own division dedicated to innovating new tools for hunting down paranormal creatures.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Joanne Bishop was born in a small town in the Catskill Mountains of New York. When Joanne was a young girl, she had an encounter in the forest of her family home with a strange creature that she thought was a cryptid or alien. The creature tried to lure her into the woods but was scared off by the gunshots of her father, who warned her to never go into the woods at night. Later that same week, several children from her town, including some of her classmates and friends, disappeared without a trace.   It was a single incident, but one that would spark her interest in the paranormal and true crime from that point. One where she would try to not only find an explanation for what she saw, but one based on science and logic. However nothing could truly explain the creature she saw that night. He interest eventually got her involved in the FBI as an adult; in particular, a specific branch known as the EPF. It was a secret branch dedicated to just such paranormal and unexplainable sightings and phenomena. She was eventually partnered with Agent Gutz for a majority of her cases.   In 2009, an unknown object crashed into what is now known as the Rockefeller Contamination Zone. The crash caused thousands of canisters of an unknown chemical that was causing strange and startling mutations to the surrounding life. Agent Gutz fell into a sink hole that was filled with a 4 foot pool of the substance, some of which he accidently ingested, which caused his body to mutate and break down gruesomely. Bishop managed to rescue him without mutating herself, but was too late as the mutation turned him into a gelatinous blob of eyeballs and organs.   Realizing the extreme danger the chemical had for human life, she had Gutz taken back to the facility, and had the entire region quarantined off. Bishop was put in charge of handling the clean up and enforcement of the quarantine, having a large fence put up as wall as guards stationed at watch towers, and making use of the Abandoned Bunker in the area.   Things began to calm down after the initial clean up efforts, as Bishop slowly backed off the project in the following years, keeping the quarantine in place, and cutting down the guards to a few patrol vehicles to scan the area. She began focusing her attention on more important matters, like figuring out where the mutagen came from and how to cure her partner.


Bishop graduated from her small town high school and moved away to university majoring in Criminal Justice and Law.


Bishop joined the FBI and was put in the Environmental/Earth Protection Force. After her handling of the Rockefeller Contamination Incident she was promoted to lead of the branch.

Morality & Philosophy

Bishop cares about humanity, but not so much anything else. She'll go out of her way to help people and animals, but sees other forms of life as an active threat to humanity and is unafraid to kill, capture, and exploit them for her own benefit. Even other humans aren't safe if they meddle too much in her business.

Personality Characteristics


Bishop's goal it to understand and categorize the paranormal and neutralize the threats they pose against humanity.  


Bishop comes off as a cold, serious woman. She is not the emotional type and tends to remain neutral in even the most hectic situations. She doesn't take shit from anyone and will harshly discipline anyone who questions her skills or authority. She is a good leader, remaining cool under pressure and always having a plan.   Despite her stoic personality, she's not completely uncaring. She as empathy towards other people and will go out of her way to protect people from danger, even risking her life if the situation calls for it. But she has less empathy towards yokai, aliens, mutants, or any other-worldly creature that post a threat to humanity. While she's not entirely incapable of empathizing with them, she keeps a professional distance from them as her job and duty to protect humanity comes first.  


  Bishop is not only an excellent strategist but is also very physically capable as well. She has taken many self defense lessons and trained herself in a number of martial arts styles allowing her to fend for herself in an event that she gets into direct conflict with a monster or assailant.


Family Ties

Bishop has family back in her home town but she doesn't often have time to visit as her job keeps her very busy. She tends to be a bit of a workaholic and hasn't dated much either.


Bishop is poised and stoic. She prefers to present herself as a tall, intimidating, but elegant figure. She tends to not express her emotions outwardly very often, and when she does, it's very subtle. She's on the quieter side, only speaking when she needs to, and in a rather deep, monotone voice.

Year of Birth
1983 39 Years old
Palenville, NY
Current Residence
New York City
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Peach
Known Languages






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