The Capital Settlement in Titan | World Anvil
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The Capital

The Capital is the new Capital of Titan.


The Capital is surrounded by two sets of tall walls which are both heavily guarded and regulated. The streets are regularly patrolled by guards and the judicial system is quick and efficient. Between the walls exists a secondary town to the Capital, which also has a heavy guard presence.

Industry & Trade

The Capital is industrious. Anything one could want, they could get in the Capital. There are many Blacksmiths, Brownsmiths and Whitesmiths in between the city's walls. The Capital has enough smiths, carpenters and leather workers to keep the Legion army well armed and supplied.   There is plenty of gainful employment that can be found in joining the City Guard, which is a separate entity from the Legion, unlike most cities. The Capital's Guards are split into two groups. One of which is referred to as Praetorians, which are only the best of the best. The Praetorians patrol the city and respond to crimes in progress, as well as any concerns regarding the Kaiser's throne room. The other section of guards, the City Watch, is made up regular rank and file guards who man the Capital's walls and patrol the Capital as well as the city between the walls.   As with most major cities, there is a parasitic criminal underworld that feeds off the main society. In the Capital, theft and violence are big issues, but it is the smuggling to avoid taxes that hurt the city.


Before the invasion of the Legion, the Capital was Victora, the Capital of the Kingdom of Broolwugg. Victora was an impressive city and attracted people from all over to see wonders created in the city. Once the Legion took the Kingdom over, the Kaiser decided to make Victora the home of his throne. As with all other cities, the name was removed and only became known as "the Capital." The Legion allows people from Victora to refer to themselves as "Victorans," however.


The city has pools of water, surrounded by lush green plants, which form elegant pictures when viewed from the sky. The buildings are tall, white structures with bulbous green roofs. Flowers and vines wrap around almost every structure. The buildings are tall and deep, often overlapping each other, resulting in a complex system of bridges and walk ways in different areas of the city.


The Capital exists as an oasis in the middle of a desert. All around the city is dry, inhospitable desert. The road that leads to the Capital is dangerous for those not prepared, and those who wander from the road are almost certainly doomed. The sky is consistently over cast, yet it rarely rains. In the distance, a lone volcano can be seen. The Volcano is said to erupt every 400 years, but is 150 years over due.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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