Creation Myth in Tir Na Macalla | World Anvil


The Song In the beginning there was only the Creator and the darkness. And he began to sing. The song reached out to fill all that would be. As it echoed thru the space it called forth light and movement. The song beckoned and the first of the Powers awoke, it heard the song, it knew its purpose and place in the world. Then quietly it raised its voice and song grew richer. As the song continued more Powers awoke and took their place, the added voices added to the harmony and richness and the world grew to be more.   Land and waters, the sky above, the stars, moons and the sun all came from the Creator’s Song. It echoed thru all of it, from it came the trees and grasses, the creatures swimming thru the waters, the animals and the birds of the air. All a part of the great song, playing its part in the great harmony.   As the first phrase ended, the Creator brought forth a new melody to the Song, and thru it called forth Man. The first mortal to begin to perceive the song. The Powers looked down, bemused and did not comprehend what had happened. Man spread over the whole world. They explored, uncovered, built up and tore down seemingly without rhyme or reason.   Now among Man there were some few that caught glimpses of the Song, over time they honed this. These were the Artificers. As they became more and more in tune to the great Song, it began to change their very selves and they added a new tune. They began to move the Song from the banks it had flowed thru. It was this that first caught the Powers attention for nowhere else in all creation excepting the Creator and themselves had any been seen who could add to the Great Song.   First among the Artificers was he who found those parts of creation most in sync with a part of the Song, and thru experiment added one to another created a blend that was wholly new unto itself. Then a new Artificer arose. It was she and her melody, a calling forth of something new, bringing forth a new creature on the face of the World that stunned the Powers. Some among them sought to emulate the feat, but their efforts were always flawed, twisted, feeble creations in capable of true awareness of the World itself. Still other Powers, took from among mankind and Changed them. Remolding them to the Power’s will bringing forth the Troll and the Orc, the Goblin and the Merfolk. More and more the powers began to Change mankind and the Changed themselves hunted mankind down.   And a great war began, the War of the Powers as all creation sought domination and the race of Man began to disappear from the face of the world.