Domovoi Species in Tír na Laochra | World Anvil


The Domovoi are a race of ancient and powerful beings that trace their origins to the primordial forces of Tír na Laochra. They were created by the will of the cosmos as Guardians and protectors of their domains, each a different aspect of existence. Ancient by even divine standards, many of them have been manifested throughout the pantheons across the multiverse. Each of these divine children has been blessed with extraordinary powers derived from the domains they govern. While they are generally more powerful than gods and can move effortlessly through the planes, they are bound by existential edict and unspoken oaths to the laws of balance and must often act to preserve that balance. While they are revered in many cultures across the multiverse, they never seek worship, and, aside from a few notable exceptions, generally avoid contact with mortals outside of Tír na Laochra, unless circumstances demand it. While usually operating on planes beyond most mortal comprehension to maintain the balance, there are occasions when visitors to Tír na Laochra and even mortals native to the plane have assisted the Domovoi when they could not assist themselves. In those rare moments when ordinary mortals cross paths with these legendary beings, they find themselves caught in a whirlwind of cosmic interplay that places them near the epicenter of existential crises that play a pivotal role in the great balance of the cosmos. It is these intersections of destiny, often occurring because of strange twists of fate, that underscore the truth that even the tiniest pebble can fall even the mightiest colossus.  
Lineage and Origins
  The Domovoi can theoretically trace their lineage back to Father Time and Mother Nature, these primal entities that embody time and nature have produced many offspring and so are technically themselves Domovoi, though the conception of these children often defies mortal reasoning or understanding. Rather than being birthed by their mother in the traditional sense, the Domovoi are born at critical confluences of their parents' power, emerging from the intersecting energies of the Loom of Ages and the Tapestry of Seasons. While some examples of this ancestry present as unique individuals, such as Baron Samedi and Santa Claus, and others appear as unique species, such as the leprechauns and the winter sprites, each one is manifested at a pivotal moment in the history of the multiverse, formed to embody a distinct aspect of existence and to safeguard the balance from their unique perspective.  
Role and Purpose
  This aspect of guardianship means that all Domovoi are guardians, tasked with maintaining the balance and order of the cosmos. This role calls them to intervene in affairs when and wherever they see fit in order to preserve the natural rhythms and balances of the universe. They serve as the protectors of celestial phenomena, the guardians of cthonic mysteries, and even as custodians of the myriad timeways and paths between worlds, each assigned to protect one specific facet of existence and experience. Able to operate well beyond mortal lifespans and timeframes, even the most ancient of dragons are but younglings to the first of them. This longevity enables them to enact plans and craft schemes that span millennia and eons, providing a continuous and eternal presence to the multiverse.  
Powers and Abilities
  These ageless entities of antiquity possess extraordinary abilities, including an incredible affinity for the elements of nature and time, as well as an arsenal of abilities that reflect the essence of their domains. They can traverse the celestial realms and planes anywhere that even a fragment of their jurisdiction endures, even able to spit their consciousness and manifest in two or more places simultaneously. Their immortality and dominion do not mean that they are omnipotent though. Their actions are bound and limited by the laws governing the universe's cosmic balance in an ineffable way. If an action would upset this synchrony in an unacceptable way that they were never intended to, then they simply cannot take that action and no force in existence can will or enable them to.  
Interactions with Mortals
  Though it does not happen often, occasionally the views of individual Domovoi and their mission misalign, with the apparent intentions of the greater multiverse, and actions they wish to take, that they believe to be necessary to the balance, are blocked by unbreakable laws of that same equilibrium. This is when the generally reclusive and often isolated Domovoi will emerge and interact more directly with the mortals within their realms, if this fails then they will seek heroes outside of Tír na Laochra, preferably ones they are familiar with, although this is not always possible. While they generally operate in planes and dominions well beyond the comprehension of the unascended mortal soul, still they are revered in many cultures as gods and demigods, with accompanying legends that depict them as wise, usually inscrutable, beings who appear to offer wisdom and guidance to those heroes chosen for the most dangerous of journies. The relationship between the Domovoi and mortal species is ancient and complex, some of these lineages having arisen due to the guardians' meddling, others governed by ancient pacts and understandings that are meant to ensure mutual respect and good stewardship from all parties. The guardians remain faithful to their part in these unwritten accords, even when the perishable fall, and fail to uphold theirs.  
  In the infinite and wondrous cosmos, the Domovoi stand as timeless sentinels embodying the primal forces from which they were born and serving a purpose far greater than any mere temporary vessel could ever hope to fathom. Their existence is a reminder of the delicate balance that life and existence hang on, and a testament to the complexity and interconnectedness of all things, showcasing how balance can be tipped by the choices of a few as easily as it can be thrown by the actions of the many. Of how it is not always might and power that is needed, but sometimes fragility and freedom. Through their active vigilance and hidden interactions with mortals, they work to keep the weave of the Tapestry intact and reality flowing smoothly. They are guardians not only of mere places or things but of the very core principles and ideas that underpin our very existence and experiences. In the eternal dance of creation and destruction, the perpetual melody of void and being, they both watch and partake. Shaping the destiny of the multiverse while bound by its oldest laws in a story they are not controlling. Thus the Domovoi embody the perpetual paradox of power and restraint, freedom and duty, solitude and connection. And so, they stand, as a bridge between the infinite unknown, and our narrow, finite reality.
Real-Life Inspiration
In Slavic mythology, the Domovoi is a household spirit revered for its role in protecting the home and its inhabitants. Described as a small, bearded man, the Domovoi can be both helpful and mischievous, depending on how well they are treated by the family. Traditionally, families would offer food and treats to appease the Domovoi, believing that a happy and respected Domovoi would watch over their livestock, help with household chores, and bring good fortune. However, if neglected or disrespected, the Domovoi could turn malevolent, causing disturbances, spoiling food, or even frightening the family with eerie sounds at night.    This charming basis inspired us to reimagine the "home" as all of the multiverse, and the Domovoi as the guardians of that. Of course, such an expanded role came with many added perks and abilities, as well as an appropriate increase in their apparent power.


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