Tio Luma Geographic Location in Tio Luma | World Anvil
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Tio Luma

gone through many changes and wars as countries fought over territory. The Nations are known as Drakhian Empire, Gulok Republic, Bergegthim, Heung Dynasty, and Cervo Kingdom. The center of Luma holds a large expanse of forest that's known as the forgotten woods. The residents trapped within the forest know it as Bravich.   Across the sea stands the small Volcanic island of Koth . A paradise of 9 dragons that stand as the last of there kind. Keepers of Knowledge, they watch the world world from afar, and stand as their own Independent Nation, under their own power. Most people have never been there or have met a dragon. However, there are whispers of a group known as The Inquisitors rumored to be watchers of the events that will change the world. Whenever they are seen, people tremble, expecting major upsets to the general order of life.   Far from Luma and Koth stand the Shadow Isles, a land covered in darkness and terror. This land is caught in perpetual state of terror and survival as the Nations of Varun Isles and the Mald Empire hold back the ever expanding undead horde of Mavaria. The journey across the seas to the Isles is a very dangerous adventure, which few return from and even less come back. But the terrors of the Isles are spreading and soon even Luma wont be safe.
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