The Purple Claws Organization in Timmy | World Anvil
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The Purple Claws

The purple claws are the secret service of the Kingdom. They travel the kingdom and the reaches looking for any signs of sedition or anti kingdom sentiment. Disguised as travellers, merchants, and adventurers they ingratiate themselves with the peoples of whatever locale they have been sent to investigate in order to find information and build up a web of contacts. This information gathering stage can last days, weeks or months depending on the importance or depth of the investigation. If hunting down a fugitive or small organisation then a purple claw may only require a few days to gather information before conducting a clandestine execution. For a large or well organised terrorist group the investigation may go on for months and involve numerous agents, possibly also with cooperation from local law enforcement or kingdom sympathisers.   The majority of purple claws work alone, their only contact with other members of the organisation being their handler who they check with only occasionally to provide field reports. A purple claw is trained from a very young age to work in the kingdom's best interests and they are trusted to make their own judgement with their executions or investigations. There is very little oversight in the purple claws, the only time a purple claw will be called in or brought up on their actions is if they do something that tarnishes the kingdom's image or act in a way that hurts the kingdom. A purple claw has essentially a carte blanche to do whatever they deem neccesary as long as they are not caught doing it. If they are apprehended by local law enforcement they can be pardoned quietly but if they are surrounded by a mob of angry citizens they are on their own.   However a new purple claw will eventually show up to avenge their fallen colleague. You cannot run, you cannot hide, the purple claws will find you.
Military, Intelligence

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