Stoneblade Organization in Timeuria | World Anvil
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The Stoneblade family traces its roots to the crucible of the Realmswar, a cataclysmic conflict that shook the very foundations of Timeuria. Fleeing their original homeland, the Stoneblades sought refuge in the beleaguered land of Estrya, where Lord Alaric Stoneblade emerged as a beacon of hope. In the midst of the chaos, the family played a pivotal role in turning the tides against the forces of darkness. For their valor, the Council of Thura granted them a parcel of land, where Stoneblade Keep, a formidable fortress, was erected as a symbol of gratitude and recognition of their contributions. Stoneblade Keep would later become the Capital city of Ayrith.   As the centuries unfolded, the Stoneblade legacy evolved under the leadership of successive generations. Grayson Stoneblade, the current head of the family, rose to prominence through both diplomacy and valor. His strategic prowess earned him a seat on the Council of Thura, and under his guidance, Ayrith was transformed into a center of arcane knowledge and military might. The family, now deeply entrenched in the fabric of Estrya, took on the role of Guardians of Timeuria, actively monitoring the delicate balance between good and evil.   Yet, internal tensions within Estrya began to test the Stoneblade family's standing. Some factions questioned their growing influence, fearing that the very power they wielded could become a threat to the balance they once defended. Amidst these challenges, the Stoneblade family adheres unwaveringly to the Stoneblade Code—a set of principles that guide their actions. Central to this code is their motto, "Ferrum et Petra, Virtus Viva" - Iron and Rock, Living Power. This mantra, emblazoned on their banners and etched into their hearts, encapsulates the unbreakable spirit and enduring commitment of the Stoneblade family as they navigate the complexities of Estrya and the ever-shifting balance in the realm of Timeuria.

"Ferrum et Petra, Virtus Viva" - Iron and Rock, Living Power

by AI generated using Nightcafe

Articles under Stoneblade

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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