Phoros Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Phoros, a deity of chaotic goodness, presides over the realms of sylvan magic and the harmonious Sylvans. His divine essence is symbolized by a blooming tree with intertwined roots and branches—an emblem of natural beauty, the interconnectedness of all living things, and the benevolent force that guides Sylvans in their pursuit of sylvan magic.   As the guardian of sylvan magic, Phoros fosters a deep connection between the Sylvans and the mystical energies of the natural world. His influence is felt in the vibrant growth of flora, the harmonious coexistence between Sylvans and other creatures, and the benevolent use of magical forces to protect the woodlands.   Followers of Phoros engage in acts of preservation, tending to the balance of nature and protecting the Sylvans' enchanted domains. Temples dedicated to the god often feature depictions of blooming trees with intertwined roots and branches, creating spaces where worshippers can reflect on the importance of sylvan magic and interconnected harmony.   In the realms touched by Phoros' influence, sylvan magic becomes a force of benevolence, leaving landscapes teeming with life and enchanted wonders. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of harmonious coexistence and the protection of nature lies a chaotic goodness commitment to balance, where the blooming tree with intertwined roots and branches symbolizes the interconnected dance of life within the Sylvans' enchanted realms.

Holy Books & Codes

Phoros's followers, known as Sylvan Seekers, revere the "Enchanted Arboretum." This mystical text contains teachings on the intricate relationship between sylvan magic and the natural world. Sylvan Seekers seek to preserve the balance of nature and harness the magic inherent in the natural realms.

Tenets of Faith

Sylvan Seekers adhere to the tenets of harmony with nature, preservation of the sylvan realms, and the responsible use of sylvan magic. Phoros's teachings inspire followers to act as stewards of the natural world, using their magical abilities to maintain balance and protect the sylvan realms. Devotees are encouraged to live in harmony with nature and oppose those who would exploit or harm the natural order.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Phoros seeks to safeguard the sylvan realms and promote a harmonious relationship between nature and its inhabitants. Sylvan Seekers are tasked with preserving the balance of ecosystems, defending sylvan creatures, and ensuring the responsible use of sylvan magic. Phoros's influence inspires followers to act as protectors of the natural order.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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