Oktos Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Oktos, a deity of neutral evil alignment, embodied the essence of grief, his sorrowful presence symbolized by a torn shroud veiling a sorrowful face—an emblem of unrelenting sorrow, enduring pain, and the malevolent force that reveled in the eternal mourning of both gods and mortals.   In the sorrowful era preceding the realmswar, Oktos' influence cast a pall over the realms, as grief became a pervasive force that lingered in the hearts of those who suffered loss. Temples dedicated to Oktos were somber sanctuaries, where followers embraced the enduring pain of grief as a means of appeasing their malevolent deity.   As the realmswar unfolded, Oktos reveled in the unyielding sorrow that enveloped the cosmos, the torn shroud veiling a sorrowful face becoming a symbol of the malevolent force's unrelenting grasp on the hearts and minds of those touched by grief. The mournful wails echoed through the cosmic conflict, a haunting reminder of the pain that accompanied loss.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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