Meldir Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Meldir, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, weaves a web of deceit as the master of lies. His divine essence is symbolized by two crossed serpents—an emblem of cunning deception, manipulation, and the chaotic force that fuels the art of falsehood.   As the harbinger of lies, Meldir revels in the chaos that ensues when truths are twisted, and deception takes root. His influence is felt in the shadows of conspiracies, the sowing of misinformation, and the manipulation of mortals entangled in the intricate web of untruths.   Devotees of Meldir engage in rituals that seek to invoke his chaotic and malevolent influence, spreading lies and orchestrating deceit to achieve their nefarious goals. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of crossed serpents, creating spaces where worshippers can revel in the chaotic force of falsehood.   In the realms touched by Meldir's influence, lies become a pervasive and corrosive force, eroding trust and leaving chaos in their wake. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of deception lies a malevolent commitment to chaos and evil, where the crossed serpents symbolize the entwining nature of lies that poison the minds of those who succumb to their allure.

Holy Books & Codes

The deceitful doctrines known as the "Twisted Sermons" contain the insidious teachings of Meldir, exploring the art of lies, deception, and the manipulation of truth. Devotees, known as Whispering Deceivers, turn to these deceptive texts to master the art of falsehood and subterfuge.

Tenets of Faith

Whispering Deceivers embrace the tenets of deception, manipulation, and the cunning use of misinformation. Meldir's teachings inspire followers to wield the power of lies strategically, manipulate perceptions, and thrive in the shadows of deceit. Whispering Deceivers strive to embody qualities of cunning intellect, adaptability, and a keen understanding of the malleable nature of truth.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Meldir's divine goal is to spread the influence of deception, blur the lines between truth and falsehood, and exploit the vulnerabilities created by misinformation. Whispering Deceivers are entrusted with the task of weaving intricate webs of lies, manipulating narratives, and thriving in the intricate dance of deceit. The god inspires followers to embrace the subtle art of deception and revel in the power it brings.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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