The Viltis Glaive Item in Thysia | World Anvil
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The Viltis Glaive

A Soul Arm above all others, the glaive is embedded with the essence of so many gods that it's potential is immeasurable.
  • The Introduction to the Viltis Glaive by The Etcher's Faction.
The Viltis Glaive is widely regarded as the most powerful Soul Arm in all of Thysia, both in terms of the raw strength it possesses, the way it does not conform to The rules of Soul Arms and it's political power (whomever can wield The Viltis Glaive will become king of Paradosia. The Glaive stands 8 and a half feet in length and has a thick leather and ruby ingrained wrapping around the polearm whilst the base of the polearm is a large jagged diamond with a rainbow coloured flame burning within the jewel. The polearm is 7 feet whilst the blade measures 1 and a half feet and it is a golden colour with an emerald green edge, the blade is thick and will show constantly shifting writing and images, many scholars believe these images to be flashbacks of the many incredible deeds undertaken by the blade.   The Blade is the only Soul Arm in existence that is known to grow to immeasurable strength and also to NEVER change when it is inherited by the next head of the Viltis family, instead, the glaive simply evolves further and adds more stories to it's blade, making the power it holds at this time a potent thing indeed.   In the hands of the current king of Paradosia Gregor Viltis, the glaive has become capable of gifting power to the Armsbearers of Paradosia, changing their own Soul Arms to match the colour of the Viltis Glaive and giving their family a clean slate of judgement (making becoming an Armsbearer a VERY attractive prospect in Paradosia). The only notable downside to this glaive is that, for Armsbearers who are found to be lacking in loyalty to their king, their power is absorbed by the glaive and they are left with no Soul Arm... a fitting punishment for any who would turn on their country and ruler.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

There are many stories surrounding the Viltis Glaive and it's properties though many of these are deemed to be stories. The following are aspects of the weapon that have been observed in events, spectacles, and displays by former kings of Paradosia... it has been assumed that the Viltis Glaive has retained these abilities.
  • The Viltis Glaive is capable of casting the Shield spell as a reaction with unlimited uses.
  • The Viltis Glaive draws the heat and power from the Soul of a person, allowing the Glaive to deal additional Cold damage
  • The Viltis Glaive's magical core is unnaturally weighted and ensures the weapon is capable of hitting in even the most amateur hands, 
  • The Viltis Glaive is far sharper and more potent when attacking creatures it regards as:Gods and any creature outside the material plane. It deals more damage against these creatures.
  • The Viltis Glaive is near incorruptible, making the wielder immune to the charmed and frightened conditions.
  • The Wielder of the Viltis Glaive is able to 'overwrite' the Soul Arms of others and make them part of the Viltis Glaive, changing their coloration and design but also holding a great deal of power over them.


Whomever wields the Viltis Glaive is to be known as the true king of Paradosia.    The Viltis glaive is also deeply significant for the fact it is widely known to be the weapon responsible for killing the immortals during The Uprising.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
The Viltis is a legendary Soul Arm and a weapon of even similar design and power has never been seen to compare it to... it is also the only weapon capable of gifting power to reshape other soul arms.


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