Albiz Species in Thousand Skies | World Anvil


Basic Information


Taller than humans, often by several feet. Average height is 7ft-10ft. Same basic physical layout. Ears are larger and stick out some.

Genetics and Reproduction

Not sexually dimorphic. Two primary physical sexes. Year long gestation. Estrus rather than menstrual cycle - only fertile in the spring in temperate areas, in the wet season in tropical areas.

Growth Rate & Stages

Come of age (equivalent to human 16) at one hundred, finish settling into height/bones at 125. Very, very long lived, often living until shortly after their thousandth year. Age through early childhood relatively quickly, growing to be the equivalent of twelve by age 20 and then slowing down. Mobile at the same time as human children. Magic often comes in around age 40.

Ecology and Habitats

Evolved in temperate areas, but will tolerate a wide range of habitats - most present on their home planet.

Biological Cycle

Appearance changes with the seasons. Hair is white in winter, auburn in fall, black in summer, light brown in spring. Skin tone is pale in winter and dark in summer. In tropical areas, skin tone is dark year round and hair is often dark year round but varies more.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Can see better in dim light and darkness than humans, but can't discern color as well in bright light.
Average Height
Related Ethnicities


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