Lizard Centaur Species in Thoroth | World Anvil
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Lizard Centaur

Lizard Centaurs are loners. They usually live by themselves or in small groups, gathering into larger communities only for rare ceremonials occasions. Some spend their lives wandering the world, searching for knowledge and adventure. They have been known to live among the Sohleugir, for whom they have some fellow feeling.

Basic Information


Lizard Centaurs have the lower body of a four-legged reptile with thick legs and muscular thighs and the torso of a scaled human.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Lizard centaurs have very reptilian features, including nose slits, ear holes, and eyes ranging from intense snake-eyes to fiery dragon-eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lizard Centaurs are usually born in coastal areas, but can be found in any climate on Thoroth.

Average Intelligence

Lizard centaur are highly intelligent and introspective.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Like the Horse Centaurs, Lizard Centaurs generally name their offspring after a constellation or after a fabled adventurer they hope their offspring to someday become like.

Relationship Ideals

Being loners, Lizard Centaurs do not have culturally defined relationships. Once every decade, adult Lizard Centaurs travel to the locations of their birth to mate, so they may continue their race. Once there, the Lizard Centaurs instinctively pair off with a member of the opposite gender to mate (many who have studied this practice believe these instincts to be driven hormonally in order to strengthen the race biologically from generation to generation). Once mated, the males leave the site and the females remain to lay their eggs and raise their young until the young have reached adolescence and can fend for themselves.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Centaurs speak a common language that varies only slightly in various dialects between sub-races. This is known to other races simply as Centaur-speech. It regularly involves a lot of body language including ground clawing and tail flicks, and utilizes various auditory sounds akin to the noises of the corresponding animal breed.

Common Dress Code

There are no defined dress codes for Lizard Centaurs, and since they do not have external genitalia, clothing for Lizard Centaurs has been historically optional.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Lizard Centaurs feel comfortable living among Sohleugir. Otherwise, they have no unusual prejudices.

RPG Datasheet

AG -2; CO +4; ME 0; RE 0; SD +2; EM 0; IN +2; PR +2; QU -2; ST +4   Channeling -5; Essence -5; Mentalism -5; Poison +10; Disease +15   Body Development; Arcane PP; Channeling PP; Essence PP; Mentalism PP   Soul Departure 10 Rounds; Recovery Mult. 1x   Languages 12; Background Options 5   Languages: Starting Languages - Centaur-speech (S8/W6). Allowed Adolescent Development - Centaur-speech (S10/W10), Common-speech (S6/W6), and Sea-speech (S6/W6).   Everyman Skills: Foraging, Hiding, Hunting, Stalking, Tracking   Restricted Skills: All Athletics, Gymnastics skills

150 years
Average Height
5'3" - 6'10"
Average Weight
440 - 2200lbs
Average Physique
Lizard Centaurs are slightly stronger than the average human, largely due to their reptilian musculature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The scaly bodies of Lizard Centaurs are usually mottled green, gray, black, and blue.


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